miercuri, 15 octombrie 2008
Romanca Society: Semneaza petitia pentru dreptul la munca in Marea Britanie si trimite mai departe !
Romanca Society: Semneaza petitia pentru dreptul la munca in Marea Britanie si trimite mai departe !
Semneaza petitia pentru dreptul la munca in Marea Britanie si trimite mai departe
Semneaza petitia pentru dreptul la munca in Marea Britanie si trimite mai departe celor interesati!
Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie a initiat o petitie adresata lui Gordon Brown, Prim Ministru al Guvernului Britanic, solicitind luarea unei decizii favorabile pentru acordarea dreptului de munca pentru romanii din aceasta tara.
Petitia poate fii semnata la magazinul Romania Food Centre din Edgeware Road, Londra sau accesind urmatorul link:
Textul petitiei se afla mai jos cerind in mod expres eliminarea masurilor discriminatorii pentru romani si acordarea dreptului la munca in Marea Britanie.
Daca sustineti petitia noastra va rugam sa o semnati utilizind codul Societatii Romanca (Sw6 5 LF) si sa o trimiteti mai departe celor interesati.
Termenul limita de stringere a cel putin 200 semnaturi este 14 noiembrie 2008.
Your petition reads:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Change the
status of Romanian labour force in UK
The Rt Honourable Gordon Brown, PC, MP Prime Minister 10
Downing Street London
Dear Prime Minister,
The Romanian community in the UK is aware of the efforts being
made by specialist organisations to gather information and
statistics in order to assist the UK Government make an
informed and balanced decision regarding access to the UK
labour market by Romanian citizens. Romania has worked hard
both in the run-up to its EU accession in 2007, and in the post
accession period to strive for genuine integration at a
European level. However, the current position of the UK
government is to treat Romanian nationals differently from
other EU citizens. Under its current ruling, Romanian citizens
are only permitted to work in the UK in the agricultural and
food industry sectors. We believe this measure is
discriminatory as it denies Romanian citizens their basic human
rights under EU law. We therefore urge the UK government to
rescind this discriminatory regulation at the earliest date
possible and restore to Romanian workers their legal right to
mobility across EU borders.
Thank you, Ionela Flood,Romanca Society,London, UK
If you support our petition please access the link above and sign it.
Please forward this e-mail to all may be interested.
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
London, UK
Telephone: 0044 20 77 36 86 68
Mobile: 0044 75 15 25 35 84
Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie a initiat o petitie adresata lui Gordon Brown, Prim Ministru al Guvernului Britanic, solicitind luarea unei decizii favorabile pentru acordarea dreptului de munca pentru romanii din aceasta tara.
Petitia poate fii semnata la magazinul Romania Food Centre din Edgeware Road, Londra sau accesind urmatorul link:
Textul petitiei se afla mai jos cerind in mod expres eliminarea masurilor discriminatorii pentru romani si acordarea dreptului la munca in Marea Britanie.
Daca sustineti petitia noastra va rugam sa o semnati utilizind codul Societatii Romanca (Sw6 5 LF) si sa o trimiteti mai departe celor interesati.
Termenul limita de stringere a cel putin 200 semnaturi este 14 noiembrie 2008.
Your petition reads:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Change the
status of Romanian labour force in UK
The Rt Honourable Gordon Brown, PC, MP Prime Minister 10
Downing Street London
Dear Prime Minister,
The Romanian community in the UK is aware of the efforts being
made by specialist organisations to gather information and
statistics in order to assist the UK Government make an
informed and balanced decision regarding access to the UK
labour market by Romanian citizens. Romania has worked hard
both in the run-up to its EU accession in 2007, and in the post
accession period to strive for genuine integration at a
European level. However, the current position of the UK
government is to treat Romanian nationals differently from
other EU citizens. Under its current ruling, Romanian citizens
are only permitted to work in the UK in the agricultural and
food industry sectors. We believe this measure is
discriminatory as it denies Romanian citizens their basic human
rights under EU law. We therefore urge the UK government to
rescind this discriminatory regulation at the earliest date
possible and restore to Romanian workers their legal right to
mobility across EU borders.
Thank you, Ionela Flood,Romanca Society,London, UK
If you support our petition please access the link above and sign it.
Please forward this e-mail to all may be interested.
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
London, UK
Telephone: 0044 20 77 36 86 68
Mobile: 0044 75 15 25 35 84
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