miercuri, 15 octombrie 2008
Romanca Society: Semneaza petitia pentru dreptul la munca in Marea Britanie si trimite mai departe !
Romanca Society: Semneaza petitia pentru dreptul la munca in Marea Britanie si trimite mai departe !
Semneaza petitia pentru dreptul la munca in Marea Britanie si trimite mai departe
Semneaza petitia pentru dreptul la munca in Marea Britanie si trimite mai departe celor interesati!
Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie a initiat o petitie adresata lui Gordon Brown, Prim Ministru al Guvernului Britanic, solicitind luarea unei decizii favorabile pentru acordarea dreptului de munca pentru romanii din aceasta tara.
Petitia poate fii semnata la magazinul Romania Food Centre din Edgeware Road, Londra sau accesind urmatorul link:
Textul petitiei se afla mai jos cerind in mod expres eliminarea masurilor discriminatorii pentru romani si acordarea dreptului la munca in Marea Britanie.
Daca sustineti petitia noastra va rugam sa o semnati utilizind codul Societatii Romanca (Sw6 5 LF) si sa o trimiteti mai departe celor interesati.
Termenul limita de stringere a cel putin 200 semnaturi este 14 noiembrie 2008.
Your petition reads:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Change the
status of Romanian labour force in UK
The Rt Honourable Gordon Brown, PC, MP Prime Minister 10
Downing Street London
Dear Prime Minister,
The Romanian community in the UK is aware of the efforts being
made by specialist organisations to gather information and
statistics in order to assist the UK Government make an
informed and balanced decision regarding access to the UK
labour market by Romanian citizens. Romania has worked hard
both in the run-up to its EU accession in 2007, and in the post
accession period to strive for genuine integration at a
European level. However, the current position of the UK
government is to treat Romanian nationals differently from
other EU citizens. Under its current ruling, Romanian citizens
are only permitted to work in the UK in the agricultural and
food industry sectors. We believe this measure is
discriminatory as it denies Romanian citizens their basic human
rights under EU law. We therefore urge the UK government to
rescind this discriminatory regulation at the earliest date
possible and restore to Romanian workers their legal right to
mobility across EU borders.
Thank you, Ionela Flood,Romanca Society,London, UK
If you support our petition please access the link above and sign it.
Please forward this e-mail to all may be interested.
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
London, UK
Telephone: 0044 20 77 36 86 68
Mobile: 0044 75 15 25 35 84
Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie a initiat o petitie adresata lui Gordon Brown, Prim Ministru al Guvernului Britanic, solicitind luarea unei decizii favorabile pentru acordarea dreptului de munca pentru romanii din aceasta tara.
Petitia poate fii semnata la magazinul Romania Food Centre din Edgeware Road, Londra sau accesind urmatorul link:
Textul petitiei se afla mai jos cerind in mod expres eliminarea masurilor discriminatorii pentru romani si acordarea dreptului la munca in Marea Britanie.
Daca sustineti petitia noastra va rugam sa o semnati utilizind codul Societatii Romanca (Sw6 5 LF) si sa o trimiteti mai departe celor interesati.
Termenul limita de stringere a cel putin 200 semnaturi este 14 noiembrie 2008.
Your petition reads:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Change the
status of Romanian labour force in UK
The Rt Honourable Gordon Brown, PC, MP Prime Minister 10
Downing Street London
Dear Prime Minister,
The Romanian community in the UK is aware of the efforts being
made by specialist organisations to gather information and
statistics in order to assist the UK Government make an
informed and balanced decision regarding access to the UK
labour market by Romanian citizens. Romania has worked hard
both in the run-up to its EU accession in 2007, and in the post
accession period to strive for genuine integration at a
European level. However, the current position of the UK
government is to treat Romanian nationals differently from
other EU citizens. Under its current ruling, Romanian citizens
are only permitted to work in the UK in the agricultural and
food industry sectors. We believe this measure is
discriminatory as it denies Romanian citizens their basic human
rights under EU law. We therefore urge the UK government to
rescind this discriminatory regulation at the earliest date
possible and restore to Romanian workers their legal right to
mobility across EU borders.
Thank you, Ionela Flood,Romanca Society,London, UK
If you support our petition please access the link above and sign it.
Please forward this e-mail to all may be interested.
Ionela Flood
Romanca Society
London, UK
Telephone: 0044 20 77 36 86 68
Mobile: 0044 75 15 25 35 84
vineri, 8 august 2008
,,Bogaţi în lipsuri, în îndatoriri şi în iubiri de moşie, apropiaţi-vă de sufletele noastre, ridicaţi-le până unde poate vrednicia şi conştiinţa voastră trează. Aşa Vă vrem!’’ le spunea în cuvântul de întâmpinare participanţilor la al V-lea congres învăţătoresc din 5-7 august 1923 ţinut la Arad N. Cristea în numele învăţătorilor arădeni.
Congresul Naţional al Învăţătorilor din România şi al Învăţătorilor Români de peste Hotare va avea loc în 6-7 septembrie 2008 la Palatul Parlamentului. Congresul se desfăşoară sub patronajul Ministerului Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului şi al Camerei Deputaţilor. Contăm pe prezenţa la eveniment a conducerii celor două camere ale parlamentului, a Primului Ministru, a comisiilor de învăţământ şi a comisiilor de politică externă ale parlamentului si a europarlamentarilor care reprezintă România la UE şi CE.
La congres, pe lângă 550 de învăţători din toate judeţele României vrem sa fie prezente şi 50 de cadre didactice de etnie română din Ungaria, Transcarpatia, Bucovina de Nord, Basarabia de Sud, Transnistria, Republica Moldova, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Timoc, Banatul Sarbesc.
Pana in prezent nu am lansat invitatiile pentru colegii de peste hotare fiindca nu avem inca asigurata finantarea cazarii si mesei lor pentru 2 zile si cheltuielile de transport. Ar fi deprimanta o neparticipare a lor fiindca Congresul se cheama si al Invatatorilor Romani de peste Hotare. Conform statutului nostru avem o structura in care fiecare comunitate de peste hotare isi delegă reprezentanti. Ar fi dezolant ca dupa ce s-au inscris la noi in asociatie sa nu ii avem intre noi pe reprezentantii acestor colegi care traiesc in alte state dar APARA FRONTIERELE LIMBII ROMANE la cel mai important eveniment.
Medalia de aur (înregistrată la Banca Naţională) acordată Congresului Învăţătorilor în 2006 a fost dată în păstrare până la viitorul congres învăţătorilor români din Tiraspol-Transnistria. Aceşti învăţători din Transnistria au făcut suprema dovadă a ataşamentului faţă de şcoala românească. Au apărat-o la propriu de armata, poliţia şi autorităţile separatiste, au suferit agresiuni fizice şi morale, au făcut şcoală fiindu-le tăiată apa şi curentul luni de zile, au convins elevii şi părinţii că limba nu se păstrează fără sacrificii. În timpul conflictului armat au fost învăţători şi elevi ucişi pentru că mergeau la şcoala cu tricolor românesc. DACA NU SE GĂSESC RESURSE ACEŞTI COLEGI NU VOR FI PRINTRE NOI şi deci NU VOM AVEA LA CONGRES NICI MEDALIA DE AUR A CONGRESULUI NOSTRU.
Cei doritori sa sprijine participarea la congres a acestor colegi din comunitatile amintite pot depune cat cred de cuviinta prin ordin de plata sau mandat poştal în contul IBAN RO32CECEAR0137RON0355948 al Asociatiei Generale a Invatatorilor din Romania (cod fiscal 23564572). deschis la CEC Bank Arad (sucursala CEC Bank Arad are adresa Arad B-dul Revolutiei nr.5-7 cod postal 310139) –cu specificatia ,,pentru cadrele didactice de peste hotare,, sau pot sa ne solicite sa achite direct atunci in Bucuresti cheltuielile pentru unul/unii oaspeti sau o delegatie intreaga.
Informatii suplimentare la vioreldolha@yahoo.com ; 0723259290 ; 0744195155
Viorel Dolha
presedintele Asociatiei Generale a Invatatorilor din Romania
str. Mucius Scaevola nr.9, Arad, cod fiscal 23564572,
cont CEC Arad cod IBAN RO32CECEAR0137RON0355948
TEL 0357407799, 0744195155, 0723259290 fax 0257282441 didactic@rdslink.ro ; vioreldolha@yahoo.com
www.aiarad.ro www.invatator.org
,,Bogaţi în lipsuri, în îndatoriri şi în iubiri de moşie, apropiaţi-vă de sufletele noastre, ridicaţi-le până unde poate vrednicia şi conştiinţa voastră trează. Aşa Vă vrem!’’ le spunea în cuvântul de întâmpinare participanţilor la al V-lea congres învăţătoresc din 5-7 august 1923 ţinut la Arad N. Cristea în numele învăţătorilor arădeni.
Congresul Naţional al Învăţătorilor din România şi al Învăţătorilor Români de peste Hotare va avea loc în 6-7 septembrie 2008 la Palatul Parlamentului. Congresul se desfăşoară sub patronajul Ministerului Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului şi al Camerei Deputaţilor. Contăm pe prezenţa la eveniment a conducerii celor două camere ale parlamentului, a Primului Ministru, a comisiilor de învăţământ şi a comisiilor de politică externă ale parlamentului si a europarlamentarilor care reprezintă România la UE şi CE.
La congres, pe lângă 550 de învăţători din toate judeţele României vrem sa fie prezente şi 50 de cadre didactice de etnie română din Ungaria, Transcarpatia, Bucovina de Nord, Basarabia de Sud, Transnistria, Republica Moldova, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Timoc, Banatul Sarbesc.
Pana in prezent nu am lansat invitatiile pentru colegii de peste hotare fiindca nu avem inca asigurata finantarea cazarii si mesei lor pentru 2 zile si cheltuielile de transport. Ar fi deprimanta o neparticipare a lor fiindca Congresul se cheama si al Invatatorilor Romani de peste Hotare. Conform statutului nostru avem o structura in care fiecare comunitate de peste hotare isi delegă reprezentanti. Ar fi dezolant ca dupa ce s-au inscris la noi in asociatie sa nu ii avem intre noi pe reprezentantii acestor colegi care traiesc in alte state dar APARA FRONTIERELE LIMBII ROMANE la cel mai important eveniment.
Medalia de aur (înregistrată la Banca Naţională) acordată Congresului Învăţătorilor în 2006 a fost dată în păstrare până la viitorul congres învăţătorilor români din Tiraspol-Transnistria. Aceşti învăţători din Transnistria au făcut suprema dovadă a ataşamentului faţă de şcoala românească. Au apărat-o la propriu de armata, poliţia şi autorităţile separatiste, au suferit agresiuni fizice şi morale, au făcut şcoală fiindu-le tăiată apa şi curentul luni de zile, au convins elevii şi părinţii că limba nu se păstrează fără sacrificii. În timpul conflictului armat au fost învăţători şi elevi ucişi pentru că mergeau la şcoala cu tricolor românesc. DACA NU SE GĂSESC RESURSE ACEŞTI COLEGI NU VOR FI PRINTRE NOI şi deci NU VOM AVEA LA CONGRES NICI MEDALIA DE AUR A CONGRESULUI NOSTRU.
Cei doritori sa sprijine participarea la congres a acestor colegi din comunitatile amintite pot depune cat cred de cuviinta prin ordin de plata sau mandat poştal în contul IBAN RO32CECEAR0137RON0355948 al Asociatiei Generale a Invatatorilor din Romania (cod fiscal 23564572). deschis la CEC Bank Arad (sucursala CEC Bank Arad are adresa Arad B-dul Revolutiei nr.5-7 cod postal 310139) –cu specificatia ,,pentru cadrele didactice de peste hotare,, sau pot sa ne solicite sa achite direct atunci in Bucuresti cheltuielile pentru unul/unii oaspeti sau o delegatie intreaga.
Informatii suplimentare la vioreldolha@yahoo.com ; 0723259290 ; 0744195155
Viorel Dolha
presedintele Asociatiei Generale a Invatatorilor din Romania
str. Mucius Scaevola nr.9, Arad, cod fiscal 23564572,
cont CEC Arad cod IBAN RO32CECEAR0137RON0355948
TEL 0357407799, 0744195155, 0723259290 fax 0257282441 didactic@rdslink.ro ; vioreldolha@yahoo.com
www.aiarad.ro www.invatator.org

In perioada 18 – 20 septembrie 2008, Sibiul va fi gazda primei editii a Conferintei Internationale Calitate - Inovare - Integrare Europeana, eveniment organizat de catre Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, in colaborare cu Universitatea Erlangen – Nuremberg din Germania, Universitatea Tehnica din Viena si Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca.
Conferinta Internationala Calitate –Inovare - Integrare Europeana, la prima sa editie, isi propune sa reuneasca intr-un amplu schimb de experienta, personalitati din mediul academic, cercetatori, doctoranzi, consultanti si oameni de afaceri din intreaga lume.
Obiectivul principal al Conferintei il reprezinta stabilirea unor conexiuni intre reprezentantii mediului academic si specialistii din practica economica, implicati in managementul calitatii si inovatiei, cu interese interdisciplinare in domeniul afacerilor si integrarii europene si cei preocupati de cele mai recente orientari privind: standardele europene de excelenta in afaceri, antreprenoriat, inteligenta organizationala si dezvoltarea competitiva, proprietatea intelectuala, managementul intreprinderilor in context multicultural, sistemele integrate de management calitate – mediu – securitate, dezvoltarea durabila.
Vor fi, deasemnea, dezbatute problemele actuale de interes privind dezvoltarea Comunitatii Europene, ocazie cu care se va reflecta la evolutia procesului de integrare europeana, precum si asupra dinamicii generate de aceasta evolutie.
Lucrarile conferintei se desfasoara in plen si pe sectiuni paralele, cu prezentari academice si practice, precum si ateliere de lucru dedicate mediului de afaceri, referitoare la urmatoarele teme: 1) Imbunătăţirea sistemului de evaluare a performanţelor întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii din România, în relaţie cu modelul european de management al calităţii; 2) Managementul strategic şi operaţional al organizaţiilor în contextul globalizării economiei; 3) Inovaţia deschisă: Ce şi de ce? Soluţii posibile pentru mediul economic din România.
Evenimentul este un prilej excelent de socializare si de explorare a culturii locale, permitind in acelasi timp oportunitatea unui network academic si profesional publicistic de inalta tinuta.
Programul detaliat al conferintei poate fii accesat online la adresa www.qiei2008.ase.ro
Reprezentatii presei sunt invitati sa participe la o scurta conferinta de presa desfasurata in data de 19 Septembrie, intre orele 11.00- 11,30 la Hotelul Continental Forum, etaj 1 , Sibiu.
Va rugam transmiteti confirmarile de participare la conferinta de presa pe adresa de e-mail ariadna_petri@hotmail.com sau mobil 0721 78 38 78 , cel tirziu 18 septembrie 2008 , ora 17.
Evenimentul este sponsorizat de catre Hertz Romania, Remtours Romania, SC Carp SRL Bucuresti, EXIMTOUR Romania, beneficiind de urmatoarele parteneriate media: Postul de Radio Romania Actualitati, Revista “Calitatea –acces la succes” din Romania, Unyson Radio, Ziarul Roman in UK si Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie.
Comitetul de organizare al Conferintei internationale QIEI 2008, Sibiu,
18-20 septembrie 2008. www.qiei2008.ase.ro
Consemneaza Ovidiu Lapusneanu
vineri, 25 iulie 2008
Conferinta internationala Calitate – Inovare – Integrare Europeana, 18-20 septembrie 2008, Sibiu
In perioada 18 – 20 septembrie 2008, Sibiul va fi gazda primei editii a Conferintei Internationale Calitate - Inovare - Integrare Europeana, eveniment organizat de catre Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, in colaborare cu Universitatea Erlangen – Nuremberg din Germania, Universitatea Tehnica din Viena si Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca.
Conferinta Internationala Calitate –Inovare - Integrare Europeana, la prima sa editie, isi propune sa reuneasca intr-un amplu schimb de experienta, personalitati din mediul academic, cercetatori, doctoranzi, consultanti si oameni de afaceri din intreaga lume.
Obiectivul principal al Conferintei il reprezinta stabilirea unor conexiuni intre reprezentantii mediului academic si specialistii din practica economica, implicati in managementul calitatii si inovatiei, cu interese interdisciplinare in domeniul afacerilor si integrarii europene si cei preocupati de cele mai recente orientari privind: standardele europene de excelenta in afaceri, antreprenoriat, inteligenta organizationala si dezvoltarea competitiva, proprietatea intelectuala, managementul intreprinderilor in context multicultural, sistemele integrate de management calitate – mediu – securitate, dezvoltarea durabila.
Vor fi, deasemnea, dezbatute problemele actuale de interes privind dezvoltarea Comunitatii Europene, ocazie cu care se va reflecta la evolutia procesului de integrare europeana, precum si asupra dinamicii generate de aceasta evolutie.
Lucrarile conferintei se desfasoara in plen si pe sectiuni paralele, cu prezentari academice si practice, precum si ateliere de lucru dedicate mediului de afaceri, referitoare la urmatoarele teme: 1) Imbunătăţirea sistemului de evaluare a performanţelor întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii din România, în relaţie cu modelul european de management al calităţii; 2) Managementul strategic şi operaţional al organizaţiilor în contextul globalizării economiei; 3) Inovaţia deschisă: Ce şi de ce? Soluţii posibile pentru mediul economic din România.
De altfel, conferinta se doreste a fi un prilej excelent de socializare, alaturi de o incursiune in cultura locala pentru participantii directi la lucrarile conferintei. Cei care opteaza pentru participarea cu lucrari pe temele generoase ale conferintei vor avea oportunitatea unui network academic si profesional publicistic de inalta tinuta.
Lucrarile pot fi depuse online pina la data de 28 iulie 2008, confirmarea acceptarii acestora facandu-se pana la data de 8 august a.c. Inscrierea participarii Dvs. la Conferinta Internationala Calitate – Inovare - Integrare Europeana se poate face pina la data de 1 Septembrie 2008, prin accesarea adresei de website a acesteia: www.qiei2008.ase.ro
Evenimentul este sponsorizat de catre Remtours Travel Agency din Romania, beneficiind de urmatoarele parteneriate media: Postul de Radio Romania Actualitati, Revista “Calitatea –acces la succes” din Romania si Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie.
Secretariatul Stiintific al Conferintei Calitate-Inovare-Integrare Europeana, Sibiu, 18-20 septembrie 2008
Contact : conferenceqiei2008@yahoo.com
Consemneaza pt Societatea Romanca
Ovidiu Lapusneanu.
Conferinta Internationala Calitate –Inovare - Integrare Europeana, la prima sa editie, isi propune sa reuneasca intr-un amplu schimb de experienta, personalitati din mediul academic, cercetatori, doctoranzi, consultanti si oameni de afaceri din intreaga lume.
Obiectivul principal al Conferintei il reprezinta stabilirea unor conexiuni intre reprezentantii mediului academic si specialistii din practica economica, implicati in managementul calitatii si inovatiei, cu interese interdisciplinare in domeniul afacerilor si integrarii europene si cei preocupati de cele mai recente orientari privind: standardele europene de excelenta in afaceri, antreprenoriat, inteligenta organizationala si dezvoltarea competitiva, proprietatea intelectuala, managementul intreprinderilor in context multicultural, sistemele integrate de management calitate – mediu – securitate, dezvoltarea durabila.
Vor fi, deasemnea, dezbatute problemele actuale de interes privind dezvoltarea Comunitatii Europene, ocazie cu care se va reflecta la evolutia procesului de integrare europeana, precum si asupra dinamicii generate de aceasta evolutie.
Lucrarile conferintei se desfasoara in plen si pe sectiuni paralele, cu prezentari academice si practice, precum si ateliere de lucru dedicate mediului de afaceri, referitoare la urmatoarele teme: 1) Imbunătăţirea sistemului de evaluare a performanţelor întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii din România, în relaţie cu modelul european de management al calităţii; 2) Managementul strategic şi operaţional al organizaţiilor în contextul globalizării economiei; 3) Inovaţia deschisă: Ce şi de ce? Soluţii posibile pentru mediul economic din România.
De altfel, conferinta se doreste a fi un prilej excelent de socializare, alaturi de o incursiune in cultura locala pentru participantii directi la lucrarile conferintei. Cei care opteaza pentru participarea cu lucrari pe temele generoase ale conferintei vor avea oportunitatea unui network academic si profesional publicistic de inalta tinuta.
Lucrarile pot fi depuse online pina la data de 28 iulie 2008, confirmarea acceptarii acestora facandu-se pana la data de 8 august a.c. Inscrierea participarii Dvs. la Conferinta Internationala Calitate – Inovare - Integrare Europeana se poate face pina la data de 1 Septembrie 2008, prin accesarea adresei de website a acesteia: www.qiei2008.ase.ro
Evenimentul este sponsorizat de catre Remtours Travel Agency din Romania, beneficiind de urmatoarele parteneriate media: Postul de Radio Romania Actualitati, Revista “Calitatea –acces la succes” din Romania si Societatea Romanca din Marea Britanie.
Secretariatul Stiintific al Conferintei Calitate-Inovare-Integrare Europeana, Sibiu, 18-20 septembrie 2008
Contact : conferenceqiei2008@yahoo.com
Consemneaza pt Societatea Romanca
Ovidiu Lapusneanu.
marți, 4 martie 2008
Arhiva 2007
Romanian Day (Ed IV) 2007, proiect derulat de ACUM , Asociatia Infomanager si Romanca Society, celebrind identitatea culturala a comunitatii romanesti in festivalul local londonez, generind interes din partea mediului multicultural britanic si o imagine buna a Romaniei, fnantat prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
Romanian Day (Ed IV) 2007, proiect derulat de ACUM , Asociatia Infomanager si Romanca Society, celebrind identitatea culturala a comunitatii romanesti in festivalul local londonez, generind interes din partea mediului multicultural britanic si o imagine buna a Romaniei, fnantat prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
Arhiva 2006
Romanian Day in Hammersmith & Fulham Festival (Ed III) 2006, proiect derulat de Asociatia Infomanager si Romanca Society, celebrind identitatea culturala a comunitatii romanesti in festivalul local londonez, generind interes din partea mediului multicultural britanic si o imagine buna a Romaniei, fnantat prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
Romanian Day in Hammersmith & Fulham Festival (Ed III) 2006, proiect derulat de Asociatia Infomanager si Romanca Society, celebrind identitatea culturala a comunitatii romanesti in festivalul local londonez, generind interes din partea mediului multicultural britanic si o imagine buna a Romaniei, fnantat prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
Arhiva 2005
Romanian Day in Hammersmith & Fulham Festival (Ed IIa) 2005, proiect derulat de Asociatia Infomanager si Romanca Society, celebrind identitatea culturala a comunitatii romanesti in festivalul local londonez, generind interes din partea mediului multicultural britanic si o imagine buna a Romaniei, fnantat prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
Romanian Day in Hammersmith & Fulham Festival (Ed IIa) 2005, proiect derulat de Asociatia Infomanager si Romanca Society, celebrind identitatea culturala a comunitatii romanesti in festivalul local londonez, generind interes din partea mediului multicultural britanic si o imagine buna a Romaniei, fnantat prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
Arhiva 2004
Romanian Day in Hammersmith & Fulham Festival (Ed I ) 2004, proiect derulat de Asociatia Infomanager si Romanca Society, celebrind identitatea culturala a comunitatii romanesti in festivalul local londonez, generind interes din partea mediului multicultural britanic si o imagine buna a Romaniei, fnantat prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
Campanie network a diasporei romanesti la Londra, derulat de catre Infomanager Association, prin consultari si network de voluntariat , finalizata prin infiintarea si fondarea Romanian Women Society “Romanca ” cu misiunea de integrare sociala a romanilor si adaptare la realitatile britanice.
Social Base: Street CtT.Petrescu, nr.7, District 6, Bucharest, RO, tel/fax:004021 725 19 96
e-mail: Infomanager_ro@yahoo.com
Operative Base: Str. Aviatiei Nr 10, District 2, Bucharest, RO, tel/fax:004021 232 18 27,
004021250 88 38,mobil 0040 740 131 021
Redaction: 1 Marshall House, 2 Dorncliffe Road, SW6-5LF, London, UK,
E-mail: ionela@btinternet.com
Volum1/3 2004
1.On-the move Invitation
2.Get Started - sportiv programm
3. SCI-RO News
4.Trialog news
5.Volunteering offer
I am presenting you some brief information about the Info Manager Association of Romania (AIM) that was established by the participants of a "Institutional Strengthening" Phare programme in 2001, organised by the Romanian Ministry of Culture. The current 50 members of the Info Manager Association represent a wide cross-section of artists and managers in the Romanian cultural sector.
AIM is interested in promoting activities related to development of management and marketing in all fields of activity and networking this information to the widest public through all media.
INFOMANAGER NEWSLETTER is the voluntary and free bulletin edited by the Info Manager Association, Romania (AIM). The information content is provided by the messages arrived at Info Manager Association address.
For membership, suggestions, materials, news or articles, please contact the editor, Ionela Niculae Flood at e-mail address: ionela@btinternet.com.
Partial or total reproduction of this information will be done only with approval of the editor.
We ‘re looking forward to hearing from you,
Manny thanks,
Ionela Niculae Flood
1. On-the move Invitation
Following a pilot stage of one year this indispensible tool for anybody working in the arts is ready to be launched.
Après une période d’essai d’un an, cet outil indispensable pour tous ceux qui travaillent dans la culture sera lancé !
We have the pleasure to invite you for the official launch of
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au lancement officiel de www.on-the-move.org
British Council Brussels Office
Bureaux du British Council à Bruxelles
inauguration by /inauguration par
Mr Ray Thomas, Director of the British Council Brussels
Mary-Ann De Vlieg, Secretary General of IETM
Celebrate artists mobility with us! If you are in Brussels,feel free to come by between 12.00 and 19.00. Food and drinks will be available.
Si vous êtes à Bruxelles,venez célébrer la mobilité des artistes en notre companie entre 12.00 et 19.00. Il y aura à boire et à manger.
Warm greetings,
Bien cordialement,
Ray Thomas, Director of the British Council Brussels
Laurent Dréano, President of IETM
Mary-Ann De Vlieg , Secretary General of IETM
The On The Move team
The IETM team
Leopold Plaza
Rue du Trone/Troonstraat 108
1050 Brussels
Please confirm your attendence to / RSVP :
Katelijn Verstraete
Informal European Theatre Meeting
1050 Brussels
Tel : + 32 2 205 00 15
Fax : + 32 2 203 02 26
Email : communication@ietm.org
Subscribe / Unsubscribe
If you wish to subscribe to the On The Move mailing list we will send you news about our developments from time to time: just send an e-mail to list-ON@on-the-move.org. To cancel your subscription, just send an e-mail tolist-OFF@on-the-move.org. Feel free to forward this e-mail to colleagues and friends.
2.Invitation to FREE sports and dance events for all Romanians in London
You and all your friends are invited to 'Get Started with MoneyGram and
Sportsmatch' events, which are FREE sports and dance evenings held every
Saturday from 6.30pm to 9.00pm. These events are held either at SPACE
Leisure Centre, Shoreditch (North London) or FUSION Leisure Centre,
Elephant & Castle (South London) and will run until July 2004.
You are invited to all the events but once a month, at SPACE Leisure
Centre, Shoreditch, we hold an event dedicated to Romanians where we
will have Salsa classes, football, basketball, table tennis and
generally lots of fun for everyone. If you have a group of Romanians
and would like to hold an event then this is the place to do it.
As well as sport and dance, the evening offers you the chance to meet
new friends from the Romanian community as well as other communities in
London. At the event, we also have information on how and where to
learn English, how to find a job and how to safely send money to your
family back home through MoneyGram.
Many Romanians have visited the events each week over the last couple of
months and love the opportunity to play sport and meet fellow Romanians
in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. "I have been to many of the Get
Started events and have really enjoyed them. I am now very much looking
forward to getting involved in playing in the new football league that
has recently been set up and playing against other Romanians and other
nationalities who are now coming along to all the events" said Liviu
from the Romanian Church in London. If you want to be a part of a team
for the football league or have a group of friends to make up a team,
please come on down to the event and compete for free.
This new, unique and exciting initiative was launched on 23 September
2003 by the British Minister of Sport, Richard Caborn who has given the
programme his support. The aim is to leverage the universal appeal of
sport to help people new to the UK to live, work and successfully settle
and integrate in their local communities.
We very much look forward to seeing you and all your friends at the 'Get
Started' events soon.
For further information visit www.activateuk.co.uk/getstarted
Or to register in advance for the next event, please call the hotline on
020 7501 3282 or send us an e-mail at getstarted@activateuk.co.uk or if
it is easier, just come along with your friends on the day.
Events in January and February 2004:
Sat 10 Jan SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 17 Jan FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 24 Jan SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 31 Jan FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 7 Feb SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 14 Feb FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 21 Feb SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 28 Feb FUSION Leisure centre, Elephant & Castle
And continue every Saturday (except 10 April) through to 24 July 2004
3 SCI-RO Romania news
For any further information please write directly at
Service Civil International Romania (SCI-RO)
Str. Aviator Darian 9, bl.11B, apt.3
011715, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
phone: +4021 2311820 fax: +4021 2303010
e-mail: sciro@fx.ro www.sci.ro
Mon-Fri 15:00-18:00
============================================================= ===============================
3.1 Job offer: International Program Associate
Job offer: International Program Associate
International Program Associate
People to People International European Office seeks a person for a full time position as:
International Program Associate
You will among other things be working with the European programs of PTPI as well as assisting in the office. The programs range from chapter exchanges to larger international conferences and meetings:
* Youth Programs
* Chapter Development
* Public Relations
* Resource Development
The office has two full time staff members as well as an internship position. For administrative support we need help with:
* Chapter communication
* Website maintenance
* Contacts with authorities
Profile of an ideal candidate
* Very good spoken and written English and German - One more language is beneficial.
* Very good experience with Microsoft Office programs especially Word and Excel.
* Good experience in internet use.
* Experience from volunteer organisations and/or from international communication.
* Very good ability to work in small groups.
Applications should be sent in English to the PTPI office in Berlin before December 1st. Preferably per e-mail: admin-europe@ptpi.org
* Application
* CV
* List of reference/s
People to People International European Office
Jean-Monnet Haus
Bundesallee 22
10717 Berlin
+49 (0)30 88916433 (office)
+49 (0)30 88916434 (fax)
+49 (0)177 5460984 (mobile)
Open House December 10: www.ptpe.org/openhouse
Job at PTPI European office: www.ptpe.org/job
People to People International: www.ptpi.org
People to People International European Office: www.ptpe.org
Peace through Understanding
Mihai Crisan - European Development Worker
Service Civil International (SCI) - International Secretariat
St-Jacobsmarkt 82, B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tel: 32.3.2265727 Fax: 32.3.2320344
Email: mihai@sciint.org http://www.sciint.org
3.2 Essay Competition "Radically Reducing World Poverty:
> What Role for Europeans?"
> We are organising an Essay Competition "Radically Reducing World Poverty:
> What Role for Europeans?" in order to motivate young people to deepen
> interest in international relations and development and eventually to
> specialise in these domains. Particular emphasis is given to the role of
> Europe in the fight against poverty. The Essay Competition invites to go
> beyond economy and to take into account additional dimensions of
> development.
> We would be very grateful if you could invite the young people to
> participate in the Essay Competition (www.essaycompetition.org)
> and to help us to make it known in your by informing other departments
> administration.
> At the College of Europe, Floricica Olteanu is responsible for organising
> this Europe wide initiative. If you need additional information, you can
> address her at essay.competition@coleurop.be
> Looking forward to your cooperation, yours sincerely,
> Prof. Dr. Robert Picht
> Pro-Rector College of Europe
> Director of the European General and Interdisciplinary Studies
3.3 .Spingtime camp in India
Service Civil International -India
GREETINGS from SCI India. We are happy to invite you to take part in a workcamp during the month of February 2003 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State, South India. The camp will take place in front of water and middle of forest, hills in a tribal development project in a place called Neyyardam.
The details of the camp are as follows:
Name of the camp : SCI Eves camp
Dates of the camp : Third week of February 2004
Venue of the camp : Neyyardam,Trivandrum, KERALA
No. of Volunteers : Fifteen female volunteers only
(equal number of local female volunteers will join )
Suggested activities : Helping in construction activity,
Check dam making, road making
Visiting villages, families, playing
With tribal children, songs, games, etc.,
Purpose of the camp : To motivate the tribal women in
To social development activities.
Registration fee : Interested volunteers should pay a Registration fee of Euro 75. This money can be paid upon arrival. As a Holland based funding agency Supports this programme we reduce the registration fee from 100 to 75 Euro.
CLIMATIC CONDITION Hot during day time (appx. 30 degree Celsius) and Cold during Night (appx. 15 to 18 degree Celsius.
BOARDING & LODGING Very simple & vegetarian (local food), Group accommodation.
TRAVEL DIRECTIONS Will be provided during the orientation at Chennai.
MUST BRING Mosquito repellant/ointment, Basic medicine, water purification tablets, Water filter (if you have one), Sleeping Bag, Working clothes, Gloves, Shoes, Torch, Music Instrument (if you can play one), open mind and sense of humor.
If you need more details please contact.
R. Arulraj
SCI India.
3.4 Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for volunteer in Siberia
Dear SCI European-only branches,
Due to the late cancellation of a Finnish volunteer, we still have a place open in the frame of EVS for one long-term volunteer in a project of SCG in Siberia for one year starting from now (as soon as possible). Attached is the project description.
If you have a motivated volunteer under 25 years of age who would like to go to Siberia for one year (temperature is already -20), and who preferably speaks already some russian language, please send his/her application using the standard SCI LTV application form to our office.
John Myers
on behalf of EWWG
Please send us your expression of interest for this project at. e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
3. 5. Volunteering in Morocco
1.1- About CSM
CSM, Chantiers Sociaux Marocains is a non profit making NGO founded in 1963 so as to promote the voluntary service among young people and to contribute to the development of the Morocco and support all the associative citizenship initiatives. CSM is a national organization with 52 local sections all around the country.
In addition to its local projects involved in the local development process, CSM organize short ,mid and long term international projects in different kind of wok : Teaching languages , Environment , social ,renovation .
CSM is a full member of the following
- UMAC, Moroccan Union of workcamps associations
- UMAV, The Maghrebian Union of voluntary service
- ICYE; The European association
- The Mediterranean Youth Forum
CSM is also an associate member in ICYE federation
1.2 : About theMTV Project
This project consist on receiving two volunteers in order to help in the CSM office during the busy period from April to August 2004.They will assist the 3 full time staff member in their daily work from Monday to Friday during April and May , however during June ,July and august the work will become harder , the volunteers will may be involved in some works for longer hours or during the weekends or traveling out of the office to follow up the preparation of the workcamps.
In general their work will be around :
- Administrative work ( general enquiries: Tel , Letters , email…)
- International cooperation , managing the incoming and outgoing placements
- Helping in the organization of two training sessions for workcamps animators
- Helping in making general reports about workcamps
- Leading some camps if they fell to be qualified for such a mission
A part from assisting the daily administrative work , this project will be a good opportunity for them to discover CSM structures , activities and way of work , the Moroccan society and way of life and in general to achieve an intercultural exchange.
CSM will see the possibility to provide the volunteers of some basic Arabic language to let them communicating easily with their environment and facilitate their integration.
1.3 :The applicant’s requirements
* Be able to use computer , word-excel-internet…
* Be capable to live in environment with a different cultural background
* Be capable to communicate and write in English language, applicants with French or Arabic language in addition to English will have the easier opportunity to integrate quickly the local environment
* Have some previous volunteer project experience
* Be an open minded person
-The CSM engagements toward the volunteers
* Assure their full accommodation in a hosting family, the volunteers can put in the same one
* Give them pocket money (500 MAD ~ 50 Euros /month) , and cover their local travel costs. No international travel reimbursement is made .
* Provide them with a work accident insurance , the volunteers have to have a personal travel and medical insurance
* Assure all the suitable work conditions
1.4: Holiday :
The volunteers have right in two separate weeks holiday after the two first months. This question could be decided in collaboration with the person in charge of the administration
2- Volunteers selection
2.1 : Deadline for the application : 15 January 2004
2.2 : CSM reaction , the second half of February
2.3 .:More information will be sent to the selected volunteers in Marsh
2.4 : First April , arrival of the selected volunteers
3- The visa
After the expire of the tree months authorized stay , CSM will take in charge the prolongation of the Visa
Thanks in advance for contribution and for your interests to CSM Morocco
3.6. Workcamp volunteers & workshops 2004,Germany
In Summer 2004 SCI-D will organise a workcamp in Berlin on the above subject, followed by visits to 3-4 international workcamps in order to "educate" workcamp volunteers through workshops on the theme. We were thinking that this could be followed up by a one-week study visit or seminar in a CEE country in late Autumn or Winter 2004, in order to make some follow-up and future plans for 2005.
Our question: If you have activists interested in this subject and this idea of cooperation, please can you let us know before the end of this week.
Bst wishes,
John Myers
3.7. Training SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres
Several courses organised through SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres
Inclusion - Education through Sport. How to use sports and outdoor pedagogics as an educational tool to include young people with fewer opportunities in YOUTH Programme projects.
Cultural Diversity - Multiplier training for trainers on Cultural Diversity. Share methods and experiences of working on Diversity issues, develop modules and future training ideas to approach Diversity issues in your area of Europe.
South East Europe - Support Measures and South East Europe. Finding partners and learning how to develop quality Action 5 projects; developing sensitivity for building equal partnerships.
Eastern Europe & Caucausus - Contact Making seminar in Poland - to enhance cooperation between organisations and stimulate the creation of project ideas. Study visit in Ukraine - showing the reality of youth work in EECA countries.
Euromed - A progressive ! curriculum of courses to introduce youth workers to do projects with Euromed countries. Also in 2004, themed courses on 'Education & Civilisation'; 'Three Cultures'; 'How to use the local environment as a pedagogical tool'; 'Common Memory'.
Please send us your expression of interest for this project at. e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
3.8.Winter camp in Russia
25.01 5.02.2004
7 vol. international volunteers + Russian volunteers
The cultural linguistic center “Sodrujestvo” has been organizing workcamps since 2002. The main goal of the organization is to help students in learning foreign languages and foreign cultures through different programs organized by native representatives.
W: Volunteers will work as counselors (leaders of units 6-8 students) representing the native country and the native language, be prepared to work as counselors 6-8 hours a day (leaders of “culture families”). Volunteers should be motivated and ready organize team activities (games, language lessons) inside the unit.
A: rooms in a local children camp. Sleeping bags are not needed. Food in the canteen of the camp.
L: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, (other languages representatives are also welcome, just to introduce us to a different language and culture)
T: Russia, about 650 km to the east from Moscow the city of Cheboxary, the camp is 20 km away from Cheboxary
F: Russian language, leadership trainings and role-games. Sightseeing in Cheboxary, one of the most beautiful cities in the Volga region, the capital of the local ethnicity called “Chuvash” (finno-hungarian group mixed with Turkish groups), winter fishing in the Volga, skiing and skating (Skating competition).
X: We would like you to bring anything that represents your culture: flags, pictures, books, music (songs and words of it), films, games, recipes, and do not forget about high spirits, energy, enthusiasm and good mood!
Participation fee 95 Euro
Krasniy Yar
Nizhny Novgorod region
25.01 4.02.2004
5 vol. international volunteers + Russian local volunteers
The NGO "Vozrazhdenie" have been organizing camp "The town of craftsmen" in Krasnii Yar since 1998. The main goals of organization is to develop and support unemployed in the small villages of North part of Nizhnii Novgorod region by reestablishing folk handicrafts.
For teenagers and youngsters “Vozrazhdenie” organizes different activities, for example, winter out-doors celebrations of different tradition holidays.
W: participate with local teenagers and youngsters in different sources of activities which teach them to care about their region and save the traditional folk and craft knowledge. Pottery and waving master-class. Traditional singing and art classes. Restoration of books in local library. Repairing in a local tourist center (papering the walls and make the decoration of it). Organisation snow-town for the smallest citizens of the village.
S: practical skills of working in workshops such as pottery, weaving, art (like graphics and drawing).
A: rooms in a local tourist center. Please bring sleeping bags. Food in a local canteen.
L: English
T: Nizhny Novgorod region, camp is located on marvelous river Vetluga, 150 km from Nizhnii Novgorod.
F: free time /recreation traditional celebration of Russian winter holidays, skiing, Russian sauna or “banya”, workshops, Russian lessons, meeting local families and getting to know Russian “non-urban” life style.
X: We are asking you to bring, except of sleeping-bag, anything what helps you to represent your culture - some music, instruments, games, books about your native country - and also your energy and enthusiasm.
TRIALOG If you have had this passed to you by a friend and want to receive the
TIS yourself, you can sign in to our online-database at http://www.clong-trialog.at/frame.asp?ID=5 If you would rather not receive the TIS, please send an email to
mailto: office@clong-trialog.at .
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Vienna Office
Wohllebengasse 12-14
1040 Vienna
Tel: +43-1-319 79 49
Fax: +43-1-319 79 49-15
Email: mailto: : office@trialog.or.at > New! http://www.trialog.or.at/ >
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Brussels Office
10 Square Ambiorix
Brussels 1000
Tel: +32-2-743 87 90
Fax: +32-2-732 19 34
mailto: trialog@clong.be http://www.clong-trialog.at
Letter to lobby your government on the EU Constitution
By Florent Sebban, Eurostep, Brussels
The Inter Governmental Conference (IGC) started on 4 October 2003 to
adopt a Constitutional Treaty for the European Union.
The first phase of this process was the negotiation of a Draft
Constitutional Treaty by the Convention on the Future of Europe. Development
Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid were already then in danger of being
subordinated to the objectives of the Unions foreign policy, security and
defence interests. NGOs were able to follow the debate and influence
the Convention to improve the legal base for Development Cooperation and
Humanitarian Assistance.
The recently started IGC will negotiate an agreed Constitutional Treaty
on the basis of the Convention’s proposals. However, this time the
debate is not open to the public. NGOs do not have access to the documents
and are not able to follow in how far the Convention’s outcome is
touched and changed.
Please send the attached letter to your Foreign Affairs minister to
lobby on the development section within the Constitution.
Information on global development issues
Summer School, October 2003, Portugal
Find out about the results of the Development Education Summer School
which was held at the end of October in Portugal:
Sources of information
CONCORD Flash News
The time has come for CONCORD to go strategic: the draft strategy plan
for 2003-2004, identification of the research topics, reflection on the
relations with the institutions and collective lobbying, test of the
consultation procedure, etc. CONCORD is building up its foundations.
Find out more in the Flash News 6:
European Fair Trade Newsletter
Welcome to Newsletter No 9. From this date our newsletters will be
available only in electronic form, via the subscription service or our
website. We have furthermore adapted the layout to make for more convenient
on-screen reading.
To access the newsletter, please click here:
or visit our website: http://www.eftafairtrade.org/newsletter.asp
This edition covers the efforts of DG Trade to arrive at a
comprehensive strategy for sustainable trade. The European Commission has presented
a 12-point Sustainable Trade Action Plan and appears committed to a
more constructive engagement with Fair Trade organisations. The newsletter
also discusses a European Commission working paper on “Agricultural
Commodity Trade, Dependence and Poverty” and the on-going review of
European public procurement legislation, that will determine the degree to
which public authorities will be able to consider social or ethical
criteria in their procurement decisions. Finally, this edition includes
articles on: EDF funds, the Fair Trade group of European Commission
stagiaires and other international developments.
Please feel free to send us your feedback or comments.
Stefan Chrobok
To subscribe:
Submit your email address in the appropriate section on our website:
Stefan Chrobok
EFTA Advocacy and Campaigns Office
Rue de la Charité, 43
B - 1210 Brussels
Tel + 32 (0)2 217 37 95
Fax +32 (0)2 217 37 98
OneWorld SEE NGOs web portal
Information in: SEECRANews 23(III), Slovenia
OneWorld South East Europe in English, South Slavic and Albanian.
Bringing together a network of people and groups working for human rights
and sustainable development from across the globe; with lots of
information, articles and resources.
5. Spanish Speaking Volunteer
Subject: Spanish Speaking Volunteer
My name is: Amy NEWELL
Address: Flat 1, 87 Montpelier Road, Brighton, BN1 3BD
Telephone: 07763 218182 / 01273 239893
Date of birth: 22/02/1978
- 9 GCSE's Grades A to C (including Maths, English lit, English lang and double Science)- Sheen School, London
- A level Theatre Studies - Grade C and a BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA in Performing Arts - DISTINCTION - A level eqv. A&C - The BRIT School for Performing Arts & Technologies, Croydon
- Microsoft Office Training - Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Touch typing (55wpm) - Sight & Sound, London
- Superior Level Diploma in French Language and Civilisation - La Sorbonne University of Paris, France
- Diploma in Web Site Design & Site Management - The American University of Paris, France
- Currently studying for a BA Honors Degree in European Drama with Spanish - Sussex University, Brighton - (Year 2 of a four year sandwich course)
Post-qualification experience:
My studies have been ongoing and have been accompanied by professional experience. I am currently working part time for Lloyds TSB as a Credit Control Agent, I also do 1 day a week Arts Admin for the Sussex Arts Club.
My last Full time job was working as the Content Manager of a European B2B website in Paris. I trained and managed a team of five (graphic designers and data entry assistants, I was responsible for managing the design and running of a database of over 25000 products from over 80 different European Suppliers using ASP to make them available to our 2000 European independent hotelier members). My job here lasted just over two years, the company was unable to obtain funding at the third round of investment and I was made redundant.
Before this I had spent a year and a half working as the PA to a team of four Marketing Analysts in Paris. Before this I had various different jobs in both London and Paris ranging from Assistant Manager of a French Restaurant to Sales Assistant in an IT recruitment Firm.
A member of my familly suggested that I contact VSO.
Why I am contacting VSO:
I am currently in the second year of my degree course at Sussex and have just been informed that they do not have a placement for me for my third year. The aim of my third year is to spend time in a Spanish speaking country and learn Spanish fluently through immersion in the culture. I am therefore trying to arrange a placement and would be interested in any opportunities you may have for someone with my skills. I am bilingual in French and currently have an intermediate level of both written and spoken Spanish which I aim to improve over the year to come.
I look forward to hearing back from you, please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
Best Regards,
Ionela Niculae Flood
Romanian Day in Hammersmith & Fulham Festival (Ed I ) 2004, proiect derulat de Asociatia Infomanager si Romanca Society, celebrind identitatea culturala a comunitatii romanesti in festivalul local londonez, generind interes din partea mediului multicultural britanic si o imagine buna a Romaniei, fnantat prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
Campanie network a diasporei romanesti la Londra, derulat de catre Infomanager Association, prin consultari si network de voluntariat , finalizata prin infiintarea si fondarea Romanian Women Society “Romanca ” cu misiunea de integrare sociala a romanilor si adaptare la realitatile britanice.
Social Base: Street CtT.Petrescu, nr.7, District 6, Bucharest, RO, tel/fax:004021 725 19 96
e-mail: Infomanager_ro@yahoo.com
Operative Base: Str. Aviatiei Nr 10, District 2, Bucharest, RO, tel/fax:004021 232 18 27,
004021250 88 38,mobil 0040 740 131 021
Redaction: 1 Marshall House, 2 Dorncliffe Road, SW6-5LF, London, UK,
E-mail: ionela@btinternet.com
Volum1/3 2004
1.On-the move Invitation
2.Get Started - sportiv programm
3. SCI-RO News
4.Trialog news
5.Volunteering offer
I am presenting you some brief information about the Info Manager Association of Romania (AIM) that was established by the participants of a "Institutional Strengthening" Phare programme in 2001, organised by the Romanian Ministry of Culture. The current 50 members of the Info Manager Association represent a wide cross-section of artists and managers in the Romanian cultural sector.
AIM is interested in promoting activities related to development of management and marketing in all fields of activity and networking this information to the widest public through all media.
INFOMANAGER NEWSLETTER is the voluntary and free bulletin edited by the Info Manager Association, Romania (AIM). The information content is provided by the messages arrived at Info Manager Association address.
For membership, suggestions, materials, news or articles, please contact the editor, Ionela Niculae Flood at e-mail address: ionela@btinternet.com.
Partial or total reproduction of this information will be done only with approval of the editor.
We ‘re looking forward to hearing from you,
Manny thanks,
Ionela Niculae Flood
1. On-the move Invitation
Following a pilot stage of one year this indispensible tool for anybody working in the arts is ready to be launched.
Après une période d’essai d’un an, cet outil indispensable pour tous ceux qui travaillent dans la culture sera lancé !
We have the pleasure to invite you for the official launch of
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au lancement officiel de www.on-the-move.org
British Council Brussels Office
Bureaux du British Council à Bruxelles
inauguration by /inauguration par
Mr Ray Thomas, Director of the British Council Brussels
Mary-Ann De Vlieg, Secretary General of IETM
Celebrate artists mobility with us! If you are in Brussels,feel free to come by between 12.00 and 19.00. Food and drinks will be available.
Si vous êtes à Bruxelles,venez célébrer la mobilité des artistes en notre companie entre 12.00 et 19.00. Il y aura à boire et à manger.
Warm greetings,
Bien cordialement,
Ray Thomas, Director of the British Council Brussels
Laurent Dréano, President of IETM
Mary-Ann De Vlieg , Secretary General of IETM
The On The Move team
The IETM team
Leopold Plaza
Rue du Trone/Troonstraat 108
1050 Brussels
Please confirm your attendence to / RSVP :
Katelijn Verstraete
Informal European Theatre Meeting
1050 Brussels
Tel : + 32 2 205 00 15
Fax : + 32 2 203 02 26
Email : communication@ietm.org
Subscribe / Unsubscribe
If you wish to subscribe to the On The Move mailing list we will send you news about our developments from time to time: just send an e-mail to list-ON@on-the-move.org. To cancel your subscription, just send an e-mail tolist-OFF@on-the-move.org. Feel free to forward this e-mail to colleagues and friends.
2.Invitation to FREE sports and dance events for all Romanians in London
You and all your friends are invited to 'Get Started with MoneyGram and
Sportsmatch' events, which are FREE sports and dance evenings held every
Saturday from 6.30pm to 9.00pm. These events are held either at SPACE
Leisure Centre, Shoreditch (North London) or FUSION Leisure Centre,
Elephant & Castle (South London) and will run until July 2004.
You are invited to all the events but once a month, at SPACE Leisure
Centre, Shoreditch, we hold an event dedicated to Romanians where we
will have Salsa classes, football, basketball, table tennis and
generally lots of fun for everyone. If you have a group of Romanians
and would like to hold an event then this is the place to do it.
As well as sport and dance, the evening offers you the chance to meet
new friends from the Romanian community as well as other communities in
London. At the event, we also have information on how and where to
learn English, how to find a job and how to safely send money to your
family back home through MoneyGram.
Many Romanians have visited the events each week over the last couple of
months and love the opportunity to play sport and meet fellow Romanians
in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. "I have been to many of the Get
Started events and have really enjoyed them. I am now very much looking
forward to getting involved in playing in the new football league that
has recently been set up and playing against other Romanians and other
nationalities who are now coming along to all the events" said Liviu
from the Romanian Church in London. If you want to be a part of a team
for the football league or have a group of friends to make up a team,
please come on down to the event and compete for free.
This new, unique and exciting initiative was launched on 23 September
2003 by the British Minister of Sport, Richard Caborn who has given the
programme his support. The aim is to leverage the universal appeal of
sport to help people new to the UK to live, work and successfully settle
and integrate in their local communities.
We very much look forward to seeing you and all your friends at the 'Get
Started' events soon.
For further information visit www.activateuk.co.uk/getstarted
Or to register in advance for the next event, please call the hotline on
020 7501 3282 or send us an e-mail at getstarted@activateuk.co.uk or if
it is easier, just come along with your friends on the day.
Events in January and February 2004:
Sat 10 Jan SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 17 Jan FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 24 Jan SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 31 Jan FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 7 Feb SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 14 Feb FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 21 Feb SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 28 Feb FUSION Leisure centre, Elephant & Castle
And continue every Saturday (except 10 April) through to 24 July 2004
3 SCI-RO Romania news
For any further information please write directly at
Service Civil International Romania (SCI-RO)
Str. Aviator Darian 9, bl.11B, apt.3
011715, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
phone: +4021 2311820 fax: +4021 2303010
e-mail: sciro@fx.ro www.sci.ro
Mon-Fri 15:00-18:00
============================================================= ===============================
3.1 Job offer: International Program Associate
Job offer: International Program Associate
International Program Associate
People to People International European Office seeks a person for a full time position as:
International Program Associate
You will among other things be working with the European programs of PTPI as well as assisting in the office. The programs range from chapter exchanges to larger international conferences and meetings:
* Youth Programs
* Chapter Development
* Public Relations
* Resource Development
The office has two full time staff members as well as an internship position. For administrative support we need help with:
* Chapter communication
* Website maintenance
* Contacts with authorities
Profile of an ideal candidate
* Very good spoken and written English and German - One more language is beneficial.
* Very good experience with Microsoft Office programs especially Word and Excel.
* Good experience in internet use.
* Experience from volunteer organisations and/or from international communication.
* Very good ability to work in small groups.
Applications should be sent in English to the PTPI office in Berlin before December 1st. Preferably per e-mail: admin-europe@ptpi.org
* Application
* CV
* List of reference/s
People to People International European Office
Jean-Monnet Haus
Bundesallee 22
10717 Berlin
+49 (0)30 88916433 (office)
+49 (0)30 88916434 (fax)
+49 (0)177 5460984 (mobile)
Open House December 10: www.ptpe.org/openhouse
Job at PTPI European office: www.ptpe.org/job
People to People International: www.ptpi.org
People to People International European Office: www.ptpe.org
Peace through Understanding
Mihai Crisan - European Development Worker
Service Civil International (SCI) - International Secretariat
St-Jacobsmarkt 82, B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tel: 32.3.2265727 Fax: 32.3.2320344
Email: mihai@sciint.org http://www.sciint.org
3.2 Essay Competition "Radically Reducing World Poverty:
> What Role for Europeans?"
> We are organising an Essay Competition "Radically Reducing World Poverty:
> What Role for Europeans?" in order to motivate young people to deepen
> interest in international relations and development and eventually to
> specialise in these domains. Particular emphasis is given to the role of
> Europe in the fight against poverty. The Essay Competition invites to go
> beyond economy and to take into account additional dimensions of
> development.
> We would be very grateful if you could invite the young people to
> participate in the Essay Competition (www.essaycompetition.org)
> and to help us to make it known in your by informing other departments
> administration.
> At the College of Europe, Floricica Olteanu is responsible for organising
> this Europe wide initiative. If you need additional information, you can
> address her at essay.competition@coleurop.be
> Looking forward to your cooperation, yours sincerely,
> Prof. Dr. Robert Picht
> Pro-Rector College of Europe
> Director of the European General and Interdisciplinary Studies
3.3 .Spingtime camp in India
Service Civil International -India
GREETINGS from SCI India. We are happy to invite you to take part in a workcamp during the month of February 2003 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State, South India. The camp will take place in front of water and middle of forest, hills in a tribal development project in a place called Neyyardam.
The details of the camp are as follows:
Name of the camp : SCI Eves camp
Dates of the camp : Third week of February 2004
Venue of the camp : Neyyardam,Trivandrum, KERALA
No. of Volunteers : Fifteen female volunteers only
(equal number of local female volunteers will join )
Suggested activities : Helping in construction activity,
Check dam making, road making
Visiting villages, families, playing
With tribal children, songs, games, etc.,
Purpose of the camp : To motivate the tribal women in
To social development activities.
Registration fee : Interested volunteers should pay a Registration fee of Euro 75. This money can be paid upon arrival. As a Holland based funding agency Supports this programme we reduce the registration fee from 100 to 75 Euro.
CLIMATIC CONDITION Hot during day time (appx. 30 degree Celsius) and Cold during Night (appx. 15 to 18 degree Celsius.
BOARDING & LODGING Very simple & vegetarian (local food), Group accommodation.
TRAVEL DIRECTIONS Will be provided during the orientation at Chennai.
MUST BRING Mosquito repellant/ointment, Basic medicine, water purification tablets, Water filter (if you have one), Sleeping Bag, Working clothes, Gloves, Shoes, Torch, Music Instrument (if you can play one), open mind and sense of humor.
If you need more details please contact.
R. Arulraj
SCI India.
3.4 Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for volunteer in Siberia
Dear SCI European-only branches,
Due to the late cancellation of a Finnish volunteer, we still have a place open in the frame of EVS for one long-term volunteer in a project of SCG in Siberia for one year starting from now (as soon as possible). Attached is the project description.
If you have a motivated volunteer under 25 years of age who would like to go to Siberia for one year (temperature is already -20), and who preferably speaks already some russian language, please send his/her application using the standard SCI LTV application form to our office.
John Myers
on behalf of EWWG
Please send us your expression of interest for this project at. e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
3. 5. Volunteering in Morocco
1.1- About CSM
CSM, Chantiers Sociaux Marocains is a non profit making NGO founded in 1963 so as to promote the voluntary service among young people and to contribute to the development of the Morocco and support all the associative citizenship initiatives. CSM is a national organization with 52 local sections all around the country.
In addition to its local projects involved in the local development process, CSM organize short ,mid and long term international projects in different kind of wok : Teaching languages , Environment , social ,renovation .
CSM is a full member of the following
- UMAC, Moroccan Union of workcamps associations
- UMAV, The Maghrebian Union of voluntary service
- ICYE; The European association
- The Mediterranean Youth Forum
CSM is also an associate member in ICYE federation
1.2 : About theMTV Project
This project consist on receiving two volunteers in order to help in the CSM office during the busy period from April to August 2004.They will assist the 3 full time staff member in their daily work from Monday to Friday during April and May , however during June ,July and august the work will become harder , the volunteers will may be involved in some works for longer hours or during the weekends or traveling out of the office to follow up the preparation of the workcamps.
In general their work will be around :
- Administrative work ( general enquiries: Tel , Letters , email…)
- International cooperation , managing the incoming and outgoing placements
- Helping in the organization of two training sessions for workcamps animators
- Helping in making general reports about workcamps
- Leading some camps if they fell to be qualified for such a mission
A part from assisting the daily administrative work , this project will be a good opportunity for them to discover CSM structures , activities and way of work , the Moroccan society and way of life and in general to achieve an intercultural exchange.
CSM will see the possibility to provide the volunteers of some basic Arabic language to let them communicating easily with their environment and facilitate their integration.
1.3 :The applicant’s requirements
* Be able to use computer , word-excel-internet…
* Be capable to live in environment with a different cultural background
* Be capable to communicate and write in English language, applicants with French or Arabic language in addition to English will have the easier opportunity to integrate quickly the local environment
* Have some previous volunteer project experience
* Be an open minded person
-The CSM engagements toward the volunteers
* Assure their full accommodation in a hosting family, the volunteers can put in the same one
* Give them pocket money (500 MAD ~ 50 Euros /month) , and cover their local travel costs. No international travel reimbursement is made .
* Provide them with a work accident insurance , the volunteers have to have a personal travel and medical insurance
* Assure all the suitable work conditions
1.4: Holiday :
The volunteers have right in two separate weeks holiday after the two first months. This question could be decided in collaboration with the person in charge of the administration
2- Volunteers selection
2.1 : Deadline for the application : 15 January 2004
2.2 : CSM reaction , the second half of February
2.3 .:More information will be sent to the selected volunteers in Marsh
2.4 : First April , arrival of the selected volunteers
3- The visa
After the expire of the tree months authorized stay , CSM will take in charge the prolongation of the Visa
Thanks in advance for contribution and for your interests to CSM Morocco
3.6. Workcamp volunteers & workshops 2004,Germany
In Summer 2004 SCI-D will organise a workcamp in Berlin on the above subject, followed by visits to 3-4 international workcamps in order to "educate" workcamp volunteers through workshops on the theme. We were thinking that this could be followed up by a one-week study visit or seminar in a CEE country in late Autumn or Winter 2004, in order to make some follow-up and future plans for 2005.
Our question: If you have activists interested in this subject and this idea of cooperation, please can you let us know before the end of this week.
Bst wishes,
John Myers
3.7. Training SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres
Several courses organised through SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres
Inclusion - Education through Sport. How to use sports and outdoor pedagogics as an educational tool to include young people with fewer opportunities in YOUTH Programme projects.
Cultural Diversity - Multiplier training for trainers on Cultural Diversity. Share methods and experiences of working on Diversity issues, develop modules and future training ideas to approach Diversity issues in your area of Europe.
South East Europe - Support Measures and South East Europe. Finding partners and learning how to develop quality Action 5 projects; developing sensitivity for building equal partnerships.
Eastern Europe & Caucausus - Contact Making seminar in Poland - to enhance cooperation between organisations and stimulate the creation of project ideas. Study visit in Ukraine - showing the reality of youth work in EECA countries.
Euromed - A progressive ! curriculum of courses to introduce youth workers to do projects with Euromed countries. Also in 2004, themed courses on 'Education & Civilisation'; 'Three Cultures'; 'How to use the local environment as a pedagogical tool'; 'Common Memory'.
Please send us your expression of interest for this project at. e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
3.8.Winter camp in Russia
25.01 5.02.2004
7 vol. international volunteers + Russian volunteers
The cultural linguistic center “Sodrujestvo” has been organizing workcamps since 2002. The main goal of the organization is to help students in learning foreign languages and foreign cultures through different programs organized by native representatives.
W: Volunteers will work as counselors (leaders of units 6-8 students) representing the native country and the native language, be prepared to work as counselors 6-8 hours a day (leaders of “culture families”). Volunteers should be motivated and ready organize team activities (games, language lessons) inside the unit.
A: rooms in a local children camp. Sleeping bags are not needed. Food in the canteen of the camp.
L: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, (other languages representatives are also welcome, just to introduce us to a different language and culture)
T: Russia, about 650 km to the east from Moscow the city of Cheboxary, the camp is 20 km away from Cheboxary
F: Russian language, leadership trainings and role-games. Sightseeing in Cheboxary, one of the most beautiful cities in the Volga region, the capital of the local ethnicity called “Chuvash” (finno-hungarian group mixed with Turkish groups), winter fishing in the Volga, skiing and skating (Skating competition).
X: We would like you to bring anything that represents your culture: flags, pictures, books, music (songs and words of it), films, games, recipes, and do not forget about high spirits, energy, enthusiasm and good mood!
Participation fee 95 Euro
Krasniy Yar
Nizhny Novgorod region
25.01 4.02.2004
5 vol. international volunteers + Russian local volunteers
The NGO "Vozrazhdenie" have been organizing camp "The town of craftsmen" in Krasnii Yar since 1998. The main goals of organization is to develop and support unemployed in the small villages of North part of Nizhnii Novgorod region by reestablishing folk handicrafts.
For teenagers and youngsters “Vozrazhdenie” organizes different activities, for example, winter out-doors celebrations of different tradition holidays.
W: participate with local teenagers and youngsters in different sources of activities which teach them to care about their region and save the traditional folk and craft knowledge. Pottery and waving master-class. Traditional singing and art classes. Restoration of books in local library. Repairing in a local tourist center (papering the walls and make the decoration of it). Organisation snow-town for the smallest citizens of the village.
S: practical skills of working in workshops such as pottery, weaving, art (like graphics and drawing).
A: rooms in a local tourist center. Please bring sleeping bags. Food in a local canteen.
L: English
T: Nizhny Novgorod region, camp is located on marvelous river Vetluga, 150 km from Nizhnii Novgorod.
F: free time /recreation traditional celebration of Russian winter holidays, skiing, Russian sauna or “banya”, workshops, Russian lessons, meeting local families and getting to know Russian “non-urban” life style.
X: We are asking you to bring, except of sleeping-bag, anything what helps you to represent your culture - some music, instruments, games, books about your native country - and also your energy and enthusiasm.
TRIALOG If you have had this passed to you by a friend and want to receive the
TIS yourself, you can sign in to our online-database at http://www.clong-trialog.at/frame.asp?ID=5 If you would rather not receive the TIS, please send an email to
mailto: office@clong-trialog.at .
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Vienna Office
Wohllebengasse 12-14
1040 Vienna
Tel: +43-1-319 79 49
Fax: +43-1-319 79 49-15
Email: mailto: : office@trialog.or.at > New! http://www.trialog.or.at/ >
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Brussels Office
10 Square Ambiorix
Brussels 1000
Tel: +32-2-743 87 90
Fax: +32-2-732 19 34
mailto: trialog@clong.be http://www.clong-trialog.at
Letter to lobby your government on the EU Constitution
By Florent Sebban, Eurostep, Brussels
The Inter Governmental Conference (IGC) started on 4 October 2003 to
adopt a Constitutional Treaty for the European Union.
The first phase of this process was the negotiation of a Draft
Constitutional Treaty by the Convention on the Future of Europe. Development
Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid were already then in danger of being
subordinated to the objectives of the Unions foreign policy, security and
defence interests. NGOs were able to follow the debate and influence
the Convention to improve the legal base for Development Cooperation and
Humanitarian Assistance.
The recently started IGC will negotiate an agreed Constitutional Treaty
on the basis of the Convention’s proposals. However, this time the
debate is not open to the public. NGOs do not have access to the documents
and are not able to follow in how far the Convention’s outcome is
touched and changed.
Please send the attached letter to your Foreign Affairs minister to
lobby on the development section within the Constitution.
Information on global development issues
Summer School, October 2003, Portugal
Find out about the results of the Development Education Summer School
which was held at the end of October in Portugal:
Sources of information
CONCORD Flash News
The time has come for CONCORD to go strategic: the draft strategy plan
for 2003-2004, identification of the research topics, reflection on the
relations with the institutions and collective lobbying, test of the
consultation procedure, etc. CONCORD is building up its foundations.
Find out more in the Flash News 6:
European Fair Trade Newsletter
Welcome to Newsletter No 9. From this date our newsletters will be
available only in electronic form, via the subscription service or our
website. We have furthermore adapted the layout to make for more convenient
on-screen reading.
To access the newsletter, please click here:
or visit our website: http://www.eftafairtrade.org/newsletter.asp
This edition covers the efforts of DG Trade to arrive at a
comprehensive strategy for sustainable trade. The European Commission has presented
a 12-point Sustainable Trade Action Plan and appears committed to a
more constructive engagement with Fair Trade organisations. The newsletter
also discusses a European Commission working paper on “Agricultural
Commodity Trade, Dependence and Poverty” and the on-going review of
European public procurement legislation, that will determine the degree to
which public authorities will be able to consider social or ethical
criteria in their procurement decisions. Finally, this edition includes
articles on: EDF funds, the Fair Trade group of European Commission
stagiaires and other international developments.
Please feel free to send us your feedback or comments.
Stefan Chrobok
To subscribe:
Submit your email address in the appropriate section on our website:
Stefan Chrobok
EFTA Advocacy and Campaigns Office
Rue de la Charité, 43
B - 1210 Brussels
Tel + 32 (0)2 217 37 95
Fax +32 (0)2 217 37 98
OneWorld SEE NGOs web portal
Information in: SEECRANews 23(III), Slovenia
OneWorld South East Europe in English, South Slavic and Albanian.
Bringing together a network of people and groups working for human rights
and sustainable development from across the globe; with lots of
information, articles and resources.
5. Spanish Speaking Volunteer
Subject: Spanish Speaking Volunteer
My name is: Amy NEWELL
Address: Flat 1, 87 Montpelier Road, Brighton, BN1 3BD
Telephone: 07763 218182 / 01273 239893
Date of birth: 22/02/1978
- 9 GCSE's Grades A to C (including Maths, English lit, English lang and double Science)- Sheen School, London
- A level Theatre Studies - Grade C and a BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA in Performing Arts - DISTINCTION - A level eqv. A&C - The BRIT School for Performing Arts & Technologies, Croydon
- Microsoft Office Training - Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Touch typing (55wpm) - Sight & Sound, London
- Superior Level Diploma in French Language and Civilisation - La Sorbonne University of Paris, France
- Diploma in Web Site Design & Site Management - The American University of Paris, France
- Currently studying for a BA Honors Degree in European Drama with Spanish - Sussex University, Brighton - (Year 2 of a four year sandwich course)
Post-qualification experience:
My studies have been ongoing and have been accompanied by professional experience. I am currently working part time for Lloyds TSB as a Credit Control Agent, I also do 1 day a week Arts Admin for the Sussex Arts Club.
My last Full time job was working as the Content Manager of a European B2B website in Paris. I trained and managed a team of five (graphic designers and data entry assistants, I was responsible for managing the design and running of a database of over 25000 products from over 80 different European Suppliers using ASP to make them available to our 2000 European independent hotelier members). My job here lasted just over two years, the company was unable to obtain funding at the third round of investment and I was made redundant.
Before this I had spent a year and a half working as the PA to a team of four Marketing Analysts in Paris. Before this I had various different jobs in both London and Paris ranging from Assistant Manager of a French Restaurant to Sales Assistant in an IT recruitment Firm.
A member of my familly suggested that I contact VSO.
Why I am contacting VSO:
I am currently in the second year of my degree course at Sussex and have just been informed that they do not have a placement for me for my third year. The aim of my third year is to spend time in a Spanish speaking country and learn Spanish fluently through immersion in the culture. I am therefore trying to arrange a placement and would be interested in any opportunities you may have for someone with my skills. I am bilingual in French and currently have an intermediate level of both written and spoken Spanish which I aim to improve over the year to come.
I look forward to hearing back from you, please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
Best Regards,
Ionela Niculae Flood
Arhiva 2003
* Network Social European- designul proiectului, scrierea cererii de finantare si participare in acest network a Scolii Speciale Sf Nicolae (Nae Marioara), Bucuresti, finantat de catre UE
* Mentor pentru Explore Cooking Project, derulat de catre Info Manager Association pentru Gaina Alexandru, pentru realizarea unei brosuri cu retete internationale de bucatarie, finantat de catre Strategies for Art & Space .
*Campanie de promovare a imaginii pozitive a Romaniei in Londra-design-ul si desfasurarea unor evenimente culturale si artistice in mediile multiculturale londoneze , cu implicarea operatorilor culturali relevanti la nivel local si la nivel diplomatic, finanta prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
FACE VALUE EXHIBITION from 16th June –27th July 2003.
In 1979 Mariana Gordan narrowly escaped from Communist Romania and became permanent resident in the UK in a wave of publicity triggered by her story.
1984-1985 a number of public works came her way to produce mosaics for London Transport to their design, for Oxford Circus station, Tottenham Court Road station and Finsbury Park station.
However, Mariana made her most spectacular leap to success when she was short-listed in the Clement Attlee GLS Competition, by a committee chaired by Dame Elisabeth Frink. The names of the artists were kept secret until after the selection of the works –voted the best of five hundred entries – amongst them some famous artists indeed!
In London, Mariana had a number of Exhibitions as well as producing studio work and portrait commissions.
Currently she is preparing a solo show for the Riverside Studios, called FACE VALUE from 16th June –27th July 2003.
62 Hetley Road, Shepherds Bush, W12
Home telephone:
0044 (0)20 8740 6601
0044(0)79 4743 5091
Sediu Social Str. CtT.Petrescu ,nr.7,,sector 6,Bucuresti RO,,tel/fax:004021 725 19 96
Sediu Operativ:Str. Aviatiei Nr 10,,sector 2,Bucuresti,RO tel/fax:004021 232 18 27,
004021250 88 38,mobil 0040 740 131 021
Redactia:1 Marshall House,2 Dorncliffe Road,SW6-5LF,Londra,Marea Britanie ,
e-mail : ionela@btinternet.com
Volum1/2 Octombrie 2003
1.Profil Georgiana Fusu,Director Programe-Asociatia Info Manager
2.Informatii diverse
3.SCI-RO News
5. The Change Management Toolbook
6.Aniversare AIM
INFOMANAGER NEWSLETTER este buletinul editat voluntar si gratuit de catre Asociatia Info Manager (AIM).Informatiile continute provin din mesajele sosite pe adresa AIM.
Pentru inscrieri ,sugestii,materiale ,stiri sau articole va rog sa va adresati editorului Ionela Niculae Flood pe adresa de e_mail:ionela@btinternet.com sau Georgiana Fusu pe adresa de e-mail gfusu26@lycos.co.uk
Reproducerea partiala sau totala a acestor informatii se va realiza numai cu acordul redactiei.
Va asteptam cu sugestii si informatii.
Va multumim.
Avem placerea de a va prezenta noul Director de Programe al Asociatiei Info Manager, D-ra Georgiana Fusu.
Georgiana este absolventa a Facultatii de Drept ,Bucuresti,promotia 1999.
A capatat experienta in activitatea ONG lucrand la Organizatia Salvati Copii Romania ,urmind apoi cursurile de specializare in domeniul protectiei copilului la King’s College din Londra, Marea Britanie.
A lucrat ca manager de proiect si este pasionata de studiul dinamicii sociale.
Incepind cu 1 noiembrie 2003 , Georgiana se va ocupa de coordonarea proiectelor si organizarea bazei de date a Asociatiei Info Manager in Romania ,realizind in acelasi timp si feedback-ul cu punctual de lucru din Londra.
Ii uram bun venit si speram ca proiectele asociatiei se vor bucura de continuitate si de sprijinul dumneavoastra binevenit.
Va rog sa va adresati Georgianei pentru orice sugestie sau informatie legate de Asociatia Info Manager , pe urmatoarele adrese de e-mail: sau gfusu26@lycos.co.uk, telefon 0040 21 322 31 84.
Ionela Niculae Flood
Asociatia Info Manager
2.Informatii diverse
2.1.Dance Festival BucharEast.West 200
2.2.Nouveaux cours a l'Institut Francais de Bucarest
2.3.Abonamente la Buletinul Voluntar
Persoanele interesate de informatiile cuprinse in Romanian dance newsletter si Voluntar sunt
rugate sa realizeze abonamente individuale electronice (gratuite).
2.1.Dance Festival BucharEast.West 2003
If you are interested to receive periodically by mail or email information
about the International Dance Festival BucharEast.West 2003, about the
performances and the choreographic projects of Proiect DCM foundation and
other cultural events, please fill in the form attached bellow and send it
to Proiect DCM, Po box 22-183, Bucharest, Romania of at the email address:
Postal address:
2.Multumim pentru ajutorul dat in mediatizarea festivalului BucurESTi.VEST. Va cerem scuze pentru modificarile care au bulversat programul... Multumim pentru intelegere celor - unii dintre ei chiar parteneri media - care nu au mai gasit locuri, dar au ramas totusi la spectacole, fiindca nu degeaba au fost salile pline. Ne pare rau ca au existat publicatii, posturi de radio si TV care nu au suflat nici macar o vorbulita despre festival, embargo total - lor le vom spune ca Fundatia Proiect DCM continua sa existe, sa dea informatii si sa activeze in domeniul dansului contemporan chiar si in perioada de 2 ani dintre festivale, pentru ca un asemenea festival NU se face cat ai clipi din ochi, ci cere timp, bani, daruire, profesionalism si cate altele, vizibile sau nu unui ochi exterior. Pentru ca nu este chiar simplu sa aduci in fata publicului din Romania spectacole pe care oricare dintre scenele lumii s-ar mandri sa le gazduiasca - premiera lui Jasperse din mai 2003 de la New York ar fi doar un exemplu.
Spectacole pe care esti fericit daca le vezi pe caseta video au fost aduse "in carne si oase" aici. Si multi dintre spectatori au aflat asta datorita dumneavoastra.
Va multumim si va uram sa aveti unde sa vedeti spectacole care sa va umple sufletul!
Biroul de presa al festivalului
Eugenia Taralunga
International Dance Festival
PO BOX 22-183
Bucharest, Romania
phone/fax: + 40 21 212.5467
email: fest@dnt.ro
2.2.Nouveaux cours a l'Institut Francais de Bucarest
Madame, Monsieur,
Tout au long de l'annie vous participez aux cours de frangais proposis par l'Institut Frangais de Bucarest.
Afin de vous permettre de poursuivre votre apprentissage du frangais nous organisons de nouveaux cours a partir du mois d'octobre.
L'objectif de ce cours est de permettre aux itudiants de niveau intermidiaire et avanci d'entretenir et de perfectionner leur comprihension et leur pratique de la langue parlie (expression de l'opinion, argumentation, dibats), dans la perspective de la priparation ou non d'un dipltme.
Le support de dipart de chacune des siances est constitui par un document vidio ou un document icrit ; ainsi grbce a de courts reportages tilivisis ou a des articles de presse, on pourra observer et commenter des faits de sociiti et l'actualiti quotidienne.
Ce cours permettra a l'itudiant de pratiquer la langue en discutant avec le professeur et avec les autres itudiants autour d'un theme. Le professeur dirige la conversation, anime le groupe et corrige les erreurs de chacun.
C'est en effet en parlant qu'on progresse et c'est en itant plus a l'aise dans la conversation qu'on s'adapte facilement a des situations de la vie quotidienne ou professionnelle.
Il s'agit de 14 siances de cours d'1h30 au tarif de 30 euros. Les cours auront lieu vendredi de 17h00 a 18h30.
Ce cours s'adresse a des itudiants possidant un niveau de frangais avanci et disireux d'approfondir leurs connaissances de la sociiti frangaise, dans la perspective de la priparation ou non d'un dipltme.
A partir de documents icrits, audios et vidios, issus des midias, ce cours permettra d'observer, commenter et analyser l'ivolution politique, sociale, culturelle et linguistique, en France et de mieux connantre et comprendre la France d'aujourd'hui.
Diffirents themes seront abordis, tels que les collectivitis territoriales et les rigions en France ; la sociiti frangaise : la nouvelle famille ; l'iconomie, les communications et les transports ; la riduction du temps de travail : les 35 Heures ; le travail des femmes en France ; les acteurs sociaux en France ; les nouvelles technologies ; la vie politique frangaise : les ilections ; le systeme iducatif frangais et les itudes supirieures ; la politique culturelle de la France et les pratiques culturelles des frangais.
Il s'agit de 14 siances de cours d'1h30 au tarif de 30 euros. Les cours auront lieu le lundi de 18h00 a 20h30.
Cours annuel d'1h30 par semaine
Pour tout renseignement supplimentaire, n'hisitez pas a nous contacter par tiliphone au 211 99 30 ou par e-mail a inscri@culture-france.ro.
Veuillez agrier , Madame Monsieur, l'expression de nos sinceres salutations
2.3.Abonamente la Buletinul Voluntar
CP: 22-219, Bucuresti.
Adresa de e-mail: acc es@fdsc.ro
Pe internet la http://www.fdsc.ro
Telefon: 021 310 01 77; Fax: 021 310 01 80
VOLUNTAR este un buletin informativ gratuit, editat saptamanal de Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile (FDSC). Buletinul apare si intr-o versiune prescurtata in limba engleza, care se distribuie la cerere. Informatiile din VOLUNTAR sunt preluate, in principal, din comunicate si materiale ale organizatiilor neguvernamentale sosite pe adresa FDSC si din fluxurile agentiilor de presa. Reproducerea informatiilor din VOLUNTAR este permisa cu rugamintea de mentionare a sursei, cu acordul prealabil in scris al editorului. Buletinul este disponibil si pe Internet, la adresa: http://www.fdsc.ro/ro/publicatii/voluntar.html . Adresa de e-mail pentru mesaje, comunicate, sugestii, abonare si dezabonare este acces@fdsc.ro . Va rugam ca anunturile sa nu depaseasca 300 de cuvinte si sa le trimiteti inainte de inchiderea editiei, adica pina luni la orele 14:00.
3 SCI-RO Romania news
3.1.Call for volunteers: SpaceForPeace website!
3.2 URGENT: Call for pps Roma study visit in Slovakia
3.3 Human Rights Fellowship at CEU Hungary
3.4 Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for a trainer with experience in conflict mediation work.
3.5 "Metode creative folosite in activitatile de tineret"-Curs
3.6.Consultare pentru SVS in Rusia
3.7 Application for the LYMEC-ELDR internship in Brussels.
Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa va adresati direct
Service Civil International Romania (SCI-RO)
Str. Aviator Darian 9, bl.11B, apt.3
011715, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
phone: +4021 2311820 fax: +4021 2303010
e-mail: sciro@fx.ro www.sci.ro
Mon-Fri 15:00-18:00
============================================================= ===============================
3.1.Call for volunteers: SpaceForPeace website!
Dear friends,
We are looking for people to put together the team for the Space for Peace
website (see the note for a short description of the website and its
objectives. For more info contact me at anca@sciint.org).
If you are tired of websites that do not satisfy your need for activism, your
search for help and your interest in reaching other volunteers, than join our
team and let’s put together the real activism website, let’s make some space
for peace in the virtual world and beyond.
We need:
-One experienced, skilled team-member in the technical field, translating the
website concept into the technical configuration. Let’s call him/her,
Coordinator. We want to work the website in PHP, (so we prioritise those who
know it), or in a similar program (e.g. Open ASC).
-Two experienced team-members in any of the following activism
anti-racism, human rights, peace. It is preferable to also have some
experience in previous media- connected activities, but this is not
Let’s call them Editors. It deals with overall concept and vision
(editing, writing, research).
Send us your name, your organization, previous experience in the required
fields, a short motivation letter and samples (especially for the Technical
Coordinator) of your previous work. Applications should be sent to
anca@sciint.org no later than the 31st of October 2003.
We count on your enthusiasm, we hope you have idealist blood in you and really
think a peace-activism website can make a difference if you know how to put
together the parts in this popular communication tool.
What do I get from this?… you might ask yourself. First of all, you’re in a
voluntary organisation, so you know the pleasures of voluntary help. Secondly,
what about the friends, the experience, the excitement of doing something
for a
good cause?!
Whether you apply or not we are still waiting for your suggestions, this is an
SCI website that deals with anti-racism, human rights and peace activism, to
make it work we need fresh ideas, your interest and trust.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Anca Rusu
Note 1:
You might have heard before about “the virtual community - ARICS” (Anti-Racist
Information Communication Support), well, from now on it is “the Space For
Peace website”.
DESCRIPTION (Space For Peace website):
Includes information on planning projects, steps in developing on-going
projects; Evaluation; Dissemination of Information (downloadable resource
packs, etc); Promotes the principles on which peace is built, is an active
defender of human rights, supports international projects in the virtual
deals with a wide range of peace related issues, works to combat war and
through the voluntary oriented projects it supports. The website will not take
sides unless it is directly connected to SCI principles. It’s opened to
presenting the sides in a conflict but it demands solutions.
OBJECTIVES (Space For Peace website):
- to facilitate communication between the volunteers involved in the running
projects strongly connected to the idea of peace. (e.g.: the projects resulted
after the Making Space For Peace seminar held in The Netherlands, September
- to “advertise” for peace
- to offer anti-racism/ peace related tools for the workcamps(e.g.: resource
packs, etc.)
- to suggest, support, evaluate action in the areas where SCI’s workcamps,
projects, and volunteers are working or needed
- to connect in the cyberspace with other organisation
- to recruit new volunteers
- to update on the projects/ events/ actions
- to survey projects/ volunteers opinions/ international events
- to counsel volunteers (the “peace-fill centre”, where volunteers from
SCI workcamps can comment on the conflicts they were faced with during
workcamps, how they solved them, asking questions) All parts are welcomed to
comment and find solutions for future such events; improvements, etc.
- to get the volunteers more involved in the decision making process (allowing
everybody to suggest a workcamp or similar actions within SCI branches
and the
Space for Peace website), listening to their opinions, suggestions.
Note 2:
The website team at this stage:
My name is Anca Rusu and I work in the SCI-IS in Antwerp, Belgium from
where we
are running the Space For Peace campaign. My part in the working-team for the
Space For Peace website is that of coordinating, in other words I’m the Chief
Mihai Crisan (SCI-IS)- Project Leader
The concept for the website exists, it has already been read by three other
persons involved in the campaign, commented on and changed where needed,
however this is a draft opened to new suggestions and ideas, that’s why we
you too.
At this moment there is no face-to-face meeting planned due to lack of money,
so most of our meetings to discuss, propose and evaluate are going to be
online, that shouldn’t be too bad for a website team, right?
The team should finish its job at the end of the spring 2004.
SCI-ANNOUNCE list of Service Civil International. To unsubscribe,
mail sci-announce-request@ddh.nl and write: unsubscribe
Also see http://www.ddh.nl/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sci-announce
3.2 URGENT: Call for pps Roma study visit in Slovakia
Dear Friends,
EDYN, another vountary network organisation which is an AVSO member is urgently looking for replacing a participant that cancelled their participation in this Study Tour. As some of you have been active with regard to Roma, I thought this might be of interest to some of you, especially if you are thinking of other ways to cooperate or get Roma involved in SCI activities. For those interested, please find below some information about the background of the activities and the goals of the Roma study visit.
Va rugam contactati biroul SCI-RO daca sunteti interesati.
INFO from Jana
Roma activities in Slovakia
In order to spread the projects and activities of hosting volunteers in Slovakia, at the beginning of the year 2003 I focused on the monitoring of the placements and to contact the people working directly with Roma , to collect some information about Roma situation in Slovakia, take part in meetings of Roma working group and advisory goup in Budapest.
The point of view of majority society towards Roma is not unit and also the work done within the communities or the regions is different from community to community depends on living conditions, education, cooperation of churches and local community ( mayor ).
In February 2003, we visited some communities in Eastern part of Slovakia and spoke with people who are now willing to cooperate on the programme of voluntary service:
- Roma exposure programme
- the creation of the placements for hosting volunteers from abroad
To be aware of good preparation of projects volunteers coming to the placements from your organisations I decided to introduce you the placemnts and and also potentional activities done by volunteers.
I submitted a project for STUDY VISIT ( Action 5 ) which was approved by Slovak national agency.
The goals of the projects are:
- to create and develop new form on communication and cooperation through the establishment of network of organisation directly and indirectly working with Roma, Tabita and EDYN partners and other partner organisation
- to enhance the dialogue between partner organisation and the quality on the concept work with the target group - Romas ( education, Christian community, social situation )
- to create the intern guide concerning on the preparation, support and counselling the volunteers
- to set up the advisory group.
The Study VISIT will be organised followed dates:
- 28. October - 1 November ( directly from the conference in Warsave )
Region of the study visit: EAST SLOVAKIA
Accomodation and food is free
Travel costs: 75 % is covered
At the end we will have time to evaluate the visit and discuss about the next development of Roma projects.
Roma study visit
Voluntary service as a tool for brigde building between mjority and minority culture
Study visit, Action 5, Project : SK-511-15-2003-R2 Tabita n.o., Slovakia, 27-10/1-11/2003
Monday 27/10 Tuesday 28/10 Wednesday 29/10 Thursday 30/10 Friday 31/10 Saturday 1/11
Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
Presentations of :
• aim + objectives
• participants
• Infosession on day D 1
• Infosession on organisations day D 2
• Infosession on organisations day D 2 • Infosession on organisations day D3
Evaluation part I
o Brother Church, Košice
Mrs. Maria Baranova o ETP - Spišská Nová Ves,
o Kindergarden, Pastoral centre Rudňany
Mr. Karel Novák o Nádej deťom, Hope for children, Horná strieborná 3, Banská Bystrica
Mr. Štefan Náther o Evangelical Church
Teplý vrch 34,
Mr. Madzin Ivan
Mrs. V. Lisaková Evaluation part II
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Arrival participants
to Košice
Hotel Akadémia
Južná trieda 10
o Kindergarden, Pastoral cenre in Bardejov -Postarka
Sister Atanazia
Departure to Spišská Nová Ves
Ubytovňa Limba
Spišská Nová Ves
o Roma community centre, Spišské Tomášovce
Ms. Lenka Vavreková
Departure to Banská Bystrica
Penzión Moyzes
Š. Moyzesa 2
Banská Bystrica
Departure to Gemer (Hrachovo, Teplý vrch, Dražice )
Hotel Teplý vrch
o Evangelical Church, SEM - Hrachovo
Mr. M. Bodolo
Hotel Teplý vrch
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
Welcome evening
• Reflection on visits
• Evaluation • Reflection on visits
• Evaluation • Reflection on visits
• Evaluation • Reflection on visits
• Evaluation
3.3 Human Rights Fellowship at CEU Hungary
Open Society Justice Initiative
Central European University
Department of Legal Studies
CEU Budapest
Justice Initiative Fellows Program at Central European University
(2004 –2006 session)
The Open Society Justice Initiative (Justice Initiative), part of the Open Society Institute (OSI), joins with Central European University (CEU) to announce Justice Initiative Fellows Program. The aim of the program is to support and further develop a network of lawyers and activists working on human rights-related issues
The Human Rights Fellows Program is a two year program of study and practical work experience. Up to ten applicants will be selected in 2004 to participate in the program.
Applicants from the following regions and countries are eligible to participate in the program: Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Mongolia, West and Southern Africa, Great Lakes region in Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Haiti, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
Applicants must be nominated by a non-governmental organization concerned with human rights. The applicant must demonstrate a strong commitment to human rights, a university degree and a high degree of proficiency in English. Criteria for selection will include the experience of the applicant, the applicant's potential to contribute to the protection and promotion of human rights, and the suitability of the applicant's proposed role in the nominating NGO. Upon their selection, Fellows will be required to sign an agreement with Justice Initiative according to which they will commit themselves for two years in the program: the first year to be spent with the Central European University. The second year is to be spent in his/her home country working with the nominating NGO.
Human Rights Fellows will reside a total of one year in Hungary, at CEU Legal Studies Department. They will undertake a degree program (M.A. or LL.M. in Human Rights, dependent on their undergradu! ate degree), in which they will be required to fulfill the requirements of the Human Rights Program at Central European University. During their stay at CEU the Fellows will also participate in a three-month internship placement with leading NGOs in Europe from January till March.
The Justice Initiative Fellowship will be administered by the Legal Studies Department of the CEU in the partnership with Justice Initiative during the first year of the program. Financial terms will be identical to CEU policies for full scholarship students. Human Rights Fellows will return to their nominating NGOs after the first year, where they will spend at least one year working on human rights advocacy on a non-profit basis: providing legal services, undertaking human rights litigation, providing training and education, etc. Justice Initiative will pay a local salary during this second year that is equal to an amount determined to be similar to equivalent work by the nominating NGO. This amount will be provided to the nominating NGOs in the form of a grant.
Application Procedure
Please note that applicants must submit their applications to the CEU Admissions Office. Applicants must meet the general CEU Admissions requirements (http://www.ceu.hu/prospective_students.html), as well as the CEU Legal Studies Department Admissions Requirements (http://www.ceu.hu/legal/legent_2002.html). In addition, applicants must include:
1. Nominating letter from an NGO describing the need for having a lawyer, activist or scholar working in the organization and contractually committing to Justice Initiative to hire the applicant for at least one year after he/she returns from the twelve-month training program in Hungary. The nomination letter should also indicate a monthly salary gross rate in USD (including all taxes and fees) that will be offered to the applicant by the NGO in the event that he or she is selected for the program (which would be provided to the NGO by Justice Initiative in the form of a grant).
2. If applicable, a copy of your Bar Association membership, or the date scheduled for your examination.
3. English Proficiency Proof (if available). If no language test had been taken, this test will be carried out during the procedure (the period of time will be clarified later). For the applicants from FSU and CE Europe the test will be carried our by local Soros Foundation/Open Society Institute Coordinators, in other regions applicants will be contacted separately.
4. Statement of purpose for applying to the Justice Initiative Fellows program. Proposal of project activities that the candidate plans to work on during the second year of fellowship.
The DEADLINE for receiving applications in at CEU is January 5, 2004. If you have questions regarding the first year of the program, please contact Maria Balla, Department Coordinator, Legal Studies Department, Central European University, Nádor u. 9, Budapest 1051, tel: 361 327-3204, e-mail: ballam@ceu.hu, web: http://www.ceu.hu. For more information about the overall program, please contact Rita Bakradze, Program Coordinator at Justice Initiative, Nador u. 11, Budapest 1051, phone: 361 327-3102; fax: 361 327 3103; e-mail: rbakradze@osi.hu
3.4 Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for a trainer with experience in conflict mediation work.
Dragi voluntari
Se cauta traineri...asa cum scrie si in titlu. Daca sunteti specializati sau aveti experienta in aplanarea conflictelor nu pierdeti ocazia sa va inscrieti ca trainer la evenimemtul prezentat mai jos.
Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita la sciro@fx.ro formularul de inscriere atasat.
Va asteptam,
Service Civil International
Empowering Youth Leaders with Advanced Skills in Conflict Mediation
Georgia, 25-31 January 2004
Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for a trainer with experience in conflict mediation work.
The “Empowering Youth Leaders with Advanced Skills in Conflict Mediation” is a follow-up activity to a training held in September 2002 by the Conflict Resolution Team of GATE. A key recommendation of the 2002 event was to hold a training focused on mediation rituals and simulation with the aim of providing participants with practical skills in conflict mediation. This new training is designed to empower the participants of the 2002 training with more advanced practical skills and to invite other activists who have a basic knowledge and involvement in conflict transformation or resolution.
The aims of the training are as follows:
· To provide advanced training in mediation skills to activists.
· To enable the participants to act as volunteer mediators in their organisations.
· To integrate the participants into the growing network of trainers in conflict resolution and the planned activities of the Conflict Resolution Team
· To foster the overall ability of SCI and its partner organisations in the field of conflict resolution and to improve the quality of conflict transformation and conflict resolution activities. This is important for our partners in Central and Eastern Europe, especially for organisations in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia who are actively working towards peace in their countries.
· To use interactive and innovative training methods in order to give activists from Western, Central and Eastern Europe the confidence, skills and knowledge in conflict mediation and foster their personal development.
· To develop new projects and new partnerships in the field of conflict resolution, particularly in the Caucasus region.
People to attend
The course will be over seven days, and will have 20 participants from approximately 15 countries. We strive to achieve a gender balance in its participation and a balance of participation from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Confederation of Independent States.
...your role as a trainer
As a resource person, your participation in the event would require you to share your experience and know-how with activists, project co-ordinators and volunteers from SCI Branches and groups and partner organisations.
The preparatory team is in charge of organising the training, however, as a trainer you will be asked to provide specific contributions on the topics to be covered such as Mediation Skills, Mediation Ritual, Exploring Different Conflict Situations etc. For further details please see the draft programme.
A prep-team meeting will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia on 11-13 November. It is essential for the trainer to attend this meeting.
· strong interest and skills/experience in conflict mediation;
· ability to work in English;
· experience of working with groups of international volunteers;
· able to access internet on a regular basis for communication purposes (at least every 3 days).
The practical conditions:
SCI GATE will pay for travel and visa expenses connected both with prep-team meeting and training itself, as well as for board and lodging. The training fee will be upto 300 € (euro) per day. The trainer is required to attend the prep-team meeting (3 days) and full duration of the event (7 days).
Application process:
Please find attached the trainer application form for this event. Please send your CV and application by 31st October to the SCI-RO office:
3.5 "Metode creative folosite in activitatile de tineret"-Curs
Fundatia Life invita lucratori de tineret sa se inscrie la cursul "Metode creative folosite in activitatile de tineret".
Acesta va avea loc in Oradea, in perioada 7-9 noeimebrie 2003 si este dedicat lucratorilor de tineret care s-au plictisit sa foloseasca aceleasi metode.
Termenul limita de inscriere este 31 Octombrie.
§ Scopul si obiectivele cursului
Scopul cursului de instruire este de a crea un cadru pentru lucratorii de tineret de a
se dezvolta personal si profesional.
Obiectivele specifice sunt:
- sa dezvolte cunostintele, aptitudinile si atitudinile lucratorilor de tineret
- sa ajute lucratorii de tineret sa dezvolte servicii pentru tineri, adaptate nevoilor
- sa ajute lucratorii de tineret sa cunoasca noi metode creative in munca cu tinerii
- sa dezvolte potentialul creativ al lucratorilor de tineret
§ Metodologie si elementele programului
Implicarea activa a participantilor va fi metoda de lucru care va fi folosita in cadrul
acestui curs. El va crea cadrul participantilor pentru a se organiza si a crea spatiul
pentru propria invatare.
Cursul de instruire va avea doua parti:
- prima parte in care participantii vor fi familiarizati cu notiunea de educatie
nonformala, procesul de invatare al adultilor, metode si tehnici folosite in educatia
- a doua parte in care participantii vor experimenta cele invatate si vor invata sa
creeze si sa adapteze metodele invatate la grupurile lor de beneficiarii
Pentru a insuma, cursul de instruire va fi 90% experimentare (bazat foarte mult pe
disponibilitatea participantilor de a invata), 5% facilitare, 5% discutii si dialog, 0%
lectura, 0% plictiseala si aproape 100% distractie.
§ Conditii financiare de participare
- masa de pranz si pauzele de cafea pe durata cursului sunt asigurate de catre
Fundatia Life
- nu se asigura cazare si transport pentru participanti
- nu exista taxa de participare
§ Conditii de participare
Pentru a fi selectionati participantii trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele criterii:
- sa aiba varsta intre 16-25 de ani
- sa fie activi intr-o organizatie care are ca primi beneficiari tinerii
- sa mai fi lucrat cu grupuri de tineri in prealabil
- sa participe la toata durata cursului ( zilnic de la 10,00-19,00)
- sa inteleaga limba de derulare a cursului, limba romana
§ Procesul de aplicare
Toti candidatii trebuie sa foloseasca formularul de aplicare care trebuie trimis
pana in data de 31 Octombrie 2003. Aplicatiile se trimit pe e-mail la adresa:
sciro@fx.ro sau la numarul de fax: 021-2303010.
De asemenea aplicatia trebuie insotita de o scrisoare de confirmare din partea
organizatiei pentru candidatul delegat.
Numai candidatii selectati vor fi contactati telefonic sau prin e-mail in data de 3
Noiembrie 2003.
Organizatiile din care provin aplicantii trebuie sa faca tot efortul pentru a se asigura ca
participantul va fi prezent pe toata perioada cursului. Daca, din motive exceptionale,
ei nu pot participa, este necesar ca organizatia sa ne informeze imediat de acest fapt.
§ Cine este Fundatia Life
Fundatia Life este o organizatie non-guvernamentala din Romania, nascuta in 14
februarie 1999 care are ca misiune dezvoltarea societatii civile prin intarirea fortei
tuturor actorilor cu accent pe tineri si lucratori de tineret.
Formulareul de inscriere este in fisierul atasat.
Formular de aplicatie
A. Informatii despre aplicant
Data nasterii
Functia in organizatie
Numarul de telefon
Nevoi speciale / probleme de sanatate
(va rugam specificati si explicati)
B. Informatii despre organizatie
Numele organzatiei
Adresa organizatiei
Numarul de telefon
Adresa de e-mail
De ce este interesata organizatia voastra de a participa la acest curs?
Care este grupul de beneficiari al organizatie voastre?
Cum va beneficia organizatia voastra de pe urma acestui curs?
C. Experienta anterioara in munca cu tinerii
In ce mod esti implicat(a) in munca cu tinerii ?
Ai mai participat la cursuri de instruire pentru lucratorii de tineret? Daca da, care au fost acestea?
D. Asteptari si motivatie
Care este motivatia ta de a participa la acest curs de instruire?
Care sunt asteptarile tale de la acest curs?
Timiteti aceasta aplicatie la adresa:
Fax: 021/2303010
e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
Termenul limita de trimitere a aplicatei este 31 Octombrie 2003, orele 14:00
3.6. Proiectele European Voluntary Service – EVS in Rusia
Dragi voluntari
Incepand cu aprilie 2004 am putea sa trimitem voluntari (oricare dintre voi care indeplinesc conditiile mentinate de mai jos) in Rusia, intr-un proiect de voluntariat pe termen lung - vedeti descrierea si conditiile de mai jos.
Intrebarea este daca vreunul dintre voi este interesat de un astfel de proiect, sa ca stim daca devenim sau nu parteneri. Este si un termen limita pentru un raspuns din partea Romaniei - 31 octombrie.
Astept parerea voastra,
1. Proiectele European Voluntary Service - EVS
Reprezinta o oportunitate oferita tinerilor intre 18-25 ani de a lucra in folosul comunitatii locale dintr-o alta tara decat tara lor de origine, in diferite domenii de activitate, cum ar fi social, cultural, mediu, patrimoniu, sport si recereere.
Voluntarul trebuie sa locuiasca legal intr-una din tarile participante la programul Comunitatii Europene si sa aiba varsta cuprinsa in principiu, intre 18-25 ani. Voluntarul se angajeaza in aceasta experienta cu dorinta de a invata si de a aprecia alta cultura, de a se integra in alta comunitate si de a lua parte activ la actiuni in sprijinul acesteia, fiind responsabil cu sarcinile care ii revin.
Pentru a fi acceptati ca voluntar, tinerii nu sunt conditionati de o anumita calificare sau de mediul social din care provin.
Bugetul unui astfel de proiect include toate cheltuielile de transport, cazare, masa, bani de buzunar si curs de limba pentru voluntari.
Proiectele EVS reprezinta Actiunea 2 a programuului «Tineret» desfasurat de Comisia Europeana prin Agentia Nationala din Romania ANSIT.
Pentru a participa la o astfel de proiect trebuie sa:
- aveti intre 18-25 ani;
- aveti minim experienta unei tabere de voluntariat;
- sa ne asistati in completarea unor formulare de inscriere speciale.
3.7Application for the LYMEC-ELDR internship in Brussels.
Application for the LYMEC-ELDR internship in Brussels. Apply now!
You can find the application for the LYMEC-ELDR internship at the LYMEC Secretariat in Brussels @ Lymec.org
LYMEC is looking for a new Executive Director who can help with all the administrative and maintenance tasks related to our Secretariat. All the information concerning the job (description, conditions and application) will be found at the attached document.
The applicant should be young and fresh, with an open and tolerant attitude towards different cultures and working methods and a sense of team spirit. The person should also have readiness to work occasionally long hours and resistance to stress situations.
It will be necessary to have a good written and spoken knowledge of English and it will be right considered to have a good knowledge of French, as well as any other European language. Experience in international youth work and in liberal youth organisations will be also valued, as well as previous experience within LYMEC and/or the ELDR.
Applications should be sent to our Secretariat no later than Friday, 31 October 2003 at 1PM.
Any further questions or doubts regarding the job or the application can be addressed to the Roger Albinyana i Saigí, LYMEC Secretary-general.
TRIALOG If you have had this passed to you by a friend and want to receive the
TIS yourself, you can sign in to our online-database at http://www.clong-trialog.at/frame.asp?ID=5 If you would rather not receive the TIS, please send an email to
mailto: office@clong-trialog.at .
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Vienna Office
Wohllebengasse 12-14
1040 Vienna
Tel: +43-1-319 79 49
Fax: +43-1-319 79 49-15
Email: mailto: : office@trialog.or.at > New! http://www.trialog.or.at/ >
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Brussels Office
10 Square Ambiorix
Brussels 1000
Tel: +32-2-743 87 90
Fax: +32-2-732 19 34
mailto: trialog@clong.be http://www.clong-trialog.at
5.The Change Management Toolbook
From: "Change Management Toolbook"
Subject: Training on Consulting and Leadership Skills
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 14:58:51 +0200
X-RAVMilter-Version: 8.4.3(snapshot 20030212) (mail)
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by fx.ro id h9HNtWwL026365
Dear colleague,
our change management training courses always attract an international audience from the profit and non-profit sector. They give you the chance to open to new horizons and at the same time link up with people from all over the world. In 2004, we offer seminars on consulting and leadership skills. More information can be found on
These are our forthcoming courses:
Essential Consulting and Advisory Skills (March 2004), South Africa
OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY - Winning Stakeholders Hearts and Minds. (March/April 2004), South Africa
The New Leadership Skills - Bringing Project Teams to Success (May 2004), Germany
A more detailed description of the courses can be found below or on our website
We are looking forward to meeting you in Germany or South Africa. Please check our website for information on location, programme and fees.
With best regards,
Holger Nauheimer
The Change Management Toolbook
The New Leadership Skills - Bringing Project Teams to Success
International Change Management Training Event
May 16-22, 2004 in Berlin, Germany
You will learn how to:
- establish direction
- align people
- become a motivator
- solve conflicts productively
- think strategically
Projects are operations that have a limited shelf life. Often, a small group of people, on a restricted budget, is supposed to work on the achievement of ambitious objectives. Besides project management skills, i.e. the ability to allocate the limited resources efficiently, leadership skills are needed for:
Establishing direction: developing a shared vision of the future, together with the project team and other relevant stakeholders, and helping to find strategies for achieving this vision.
Aligning people: deciding on the appropriate level of participation for creating the vision, and communicating the vision to those who have not participated in the design process.
Motivating and inspiring: helping people to energize themselves to overcome political, bureaucratic and intra-personal barriers to change.
Solving conflicts: understanding conflicts as a part of daily business life and helping to solve emerging conflicts by appreciating and working with different thinking styles.
Strategic thinking: predicting future trends and communicating them to the project staff and other stakeholders.
Projects rarely fail because of limited resources but rather because of team members and other stakeholders are not sufficiently aligned towards the vision of the project.
This training course explores the soft skills that are needed for successful project leadership. It is based on the Five Disciplines of Learning Organizations that were introduced by Peter Senge and the Society for Organizational Learning.
More information can be found at
Essential Consulting and Advisory Skills
March 21-27, 2004 in Johannesburg
Recently, a new understanding of consultancy has emerged. The consultant is to a growing extent involved in process management rather than in pure technology transfer. This is valid for management consultants as well as for engineers, health personnel, teachers, etc. There are plenty of examples where projects or project components fail because consultants have not systematically considered the system, i.e. the perception of the various stakeholders and the hidden agendas of the involved organizations.
The competent advisor knows exactly the demand of the client. For that, he is able to apply certain interview techniques that reveal the agenda behind the agenda. He can distinguish between the contracting agency and the real client who receives the service and understands the systemic variables of his assignment. To get to that point, the consultant first needs to build a relationship based on trust, on the specified roles of the various partners. He then can specify his assignment, taking into account different mental models.
More information can be obtained by clicking the following link:
OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY - Winning Stakeholders Hearts and Minds.
Training for Large Group Facilitators
March 29 - April 2, 2004 in Cape Town
Organisations, communities, whole countries and the entire world today are changing at breathtaking speed. New ways of co-operation and collaboration in this rapidly changing environment are urgently needed. Navigating this complex situation requires new strategies and technologies to explore opportunities, design and redesign work practices, adapt to the new challenges and recognise the potential in new possibilities...and to do all of these effectively and quickly, involving players from all levels of the organisation or the community.
The information and expertise needed to operate in this changing climate is available but scattered. We do not possess it individually but it is available in the groups, subsystems, organisations, networks and communities we work and live in. Collectively, we are able to address the challenges, issues and opportunities we presently face. Working productively in the changing world of organisations and communities requires the commitment of many people from different parts of an organisation and from different interest groups.
Open Space Technology supports systems of all sizes in navigating and adapting to the major changes we all experience. It provides a framework of time and space in which people self organise their own process and work on issues they feel passionate about and for which they will take responsibility. Since Harrison Owen discovered this unique and radical workshop technique 20 years ago, it was successfully applied by thousands of communities and non-profit organizations, as well as by private companies such as AT&T, BBC, Mercedes Benz AG, Pepsi Cola, and Boeing. The number of participants in such an interactive workshop is virtually unlimited.
We believe that all consultants, trainers, managers, project managers, leaders of businesses or communities will benefit from a training where they can learn how to organise and facilitate large group sessions in Open Space format.
More information can be obtained by clicking the following link:
ASOCIATIA INFO MANAGER aniverseaza azi cel de-al doilea an al existentei sale.
Multumesc celor care au sprijinit formarea ei si i-au acordat o sansa .
Celor doi ani de cautari ii vom adauga cit mai multe certitudini si sperante implinite.
Va asteptam cu informatii,sugestii si entuziasm.
Asociatia Info Manager
Manager General
Ileana Panait Ploscaru
Social Base: Street CtT.Petrescu, nr.7, District 6, Bucharest, RO, tel/fax:004021 725 19 96
e-mail: Infomanager_ro@yahoo.com
Operative Base: Str. Aviatiei Nr 10, District 2, Bucharest, RO, tel/fax:004021 232 18 27,
004021250 88 38,mobil 0040 740 131 021
Redaction: 1 Marshall House, 2 Dorncliffe Road, SW6-5LF, London, UK,
E-mail: ionela@btinternet.com
Volum1/3 November 2003
1.On-the move Invitation
2.Get Started - sportiv programm
3. SCI-RO News
4.Trialog news
5.Volunteering offer
I am presenting you some brief information about the Info Manager Association of Romania (AIM) that was established by the participants of a "Institutional Strengthening" Phare programme in 2001, organised by the Romanian Ministry of Culture. The current 50 members of the Info Manager Association represent a wide cross-section of artists and managers in the Romanian cultural sector.
AIM is interested in promoting activities related to development of management and marketing in all fields of activity and networking this information to the widest public through all media.
INFOMANAGER NEWSLETTER is the voluntary and free bulletin edited by the Info Manager Association, Romania (AIM). The information content is provided by the messages arrived at Info Manager Association address.
For membership, suggestions, materials, news or articles, please contact the editor, Ionela Niculae Flood at e-mail address: ionela@btinternet.com.
Partial or total reproduction of this information will be done only with approval of the editor.
We ‘re looking forward to hearing from you,
Manny thanks,
Ionela Niculae Flood
1. On-the move Invitation
Following a pilot stage of one year this indispensible tool for anybody working in the arts is ready to be launched.
Après une période d’essai d’un an, cet outil indispensable pour tous ceux qui travaillent dans la culture sera lancé !
We have the pleasure to invite you for the official launch of
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au lancement officiel de www.on-the-move.org
Tuesday December 2nd at 12.30 H
Mardi le 2 Décembre à 12.30 H
British Council Brussels Office
Bureaux du British Council à Bruxelles
inauguration by /inauguration par
Mr Ray Thomas, Director of the British Council Brussels
Mary-Ann De Vlieg, Secretary General of IETM
Celebrate artists mobility with us! If you are in Brussels,feel free to come by between 12.00 and 19.00. Food and drinks will be available.
Si vous êtes à Bruxelles,venez célébrer la mobilité des artistes en notre companie entre 12.00 et 19.00. Il y aura à boire et à manger.
Warm greetings,
Bien cordialement,
Ray Thomas, Director of the British Council Brussels
Laurent Dréano, President of IETM
Mary-Ann De Vlieg , Secretary General of IETM
The On The Move team
The IETM team
Leopold Plaza
Rue du Trone/Troonstraat 108
1050 Brussels
Please confirm your attendence to / RSVP :
Katelijn Verstraete
Informal European Theatre Meeting
1050 Brussels
Tel : + 32 2 205 00 15
Fax : + 32 2 203 02 26
Email : communication@ietm.org
Subscribe / Unsubscribe
If you wish to subscribe to the On The Move mailing list we will send you news about our developments from time to time: just send an e-mail to list-ON@on-the-move.org. To cancel your subscription, just send an e-mail tolist-OFF@on-the-move.org. Feel free to forward this e-mail to colleagues and friends.
2.Invitation to FREE sports and dance events for all Romanians in London
You and all your friends are invited to 'Get Started with MoneyGram and
Sportsmatch' events, which are FREE sports and dance evenings held every
Saturday from 6.30pm to 9.00pm. These events are held either at SPACE
Leisure Centre, Shoreditch (North London) or FUSION Leisure Centre,
Elephant & Castle (South London) and will run until July 2004.
You are invited to all the events but once a month, at SPACE Leisure
Centre, Shoreditch, we hold an event dedicated to Romanians where we
will have Salsa classes, football, basketball, table tennis and
generally lots of fun for everyone. If you have a group of Romanians
and would like to hold an event then this is the place to do it.
As well as sport and dance, the evening offers you the chance to meet
new friends from the Romanian community as well as other communities in
London. At the event, we also have information on how and where to
learn English, how to find a job and how to safely send money to your
family back home through MoneyGram.
Many Romanians have visited the events each week over the last couple of
months and love the opportunity to play sport and meet fellow Romanians
in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. "I have been to many of the Get
Started events and have really enjoyed them. I am now very much looking
forward to getting involved in playing in the new football league that
has recently been set up and playing against other Romanians and other
nationalities who are now coming along to all the events" said Liviu
from the Romanian Church in London. If you want to be a part of a team
for the football league or have a group of friends to make up a team,
please come on down to the event and compete for free.
This new, unique and exciting initiative was launched on 23 September
2003 by the British Minister of Sport, Richard Caborn who has given the
programme his support. The aim is to leverage the universal appeal of
sport to help people new to the UK to live, work and successfully settle
and integrate in their local communities.
We very much look forward to seeing you and all your friends at the 'Get
Started' events soon.
For further information visit www.activateuk.co.uk/getstarted
Or to register in advance for the next event, please call the hotline on
020 7501 3282 or send us an e-mail at getstarted@activateuk.co.uk or if
it is easier, just come along with your friends on the day.
Remaining events in 2003:
Sat 8 Nov SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 15 Nov FUSION Leisure centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 22 Nov SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 29 Nov FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Events in January and February 2004:
Sat 10 Jan SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 17 Jan FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 24 Jan SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 31 Jan FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 7 Feb SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 14 Feb FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 21 Feb SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 28 Feb FUSION Leisure centre, Elephant & Castle
And continue every Saturday (except 10 April) through to 24 July 2004
3 SCI-RO Romania news
For any further information please write directly at
Service Civil International Romania (SCI-RO)
Str. Aviator Darian 9, bl.11B, apt.3
011715, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
phone: +4021 2311820 fax: +4021 2303010
e-mail: sciro@fx.ro www.sci.ro
Mon-Fri 15:00-18:00
============================================================= ===============================
3.1 Job offer: International Program Associate
Job offer: International Program Associate
International Program Associate
People to People International European Office seeks a person for a full time position as:
International Program Associate
You will among other things be working with the European programs of PTPI as well as assisting in the office. The programs range from chapter exchanges to larger international conferences and meetings:
* Youth Programs
* Chapter Development
* Public Relations
* Resource Development
The office has two full time staff members as well as an internship position. For administrative support we need help with:
* Chapter communication
* Website maintenance
* Contacts with authorities
Profile of an ideal candidate
* Very good spoken and written English and German - One more language is beneficial.
* Very good experience with Microsoft Office programs especially Word and Excel.
* Good experience in internet use.
* Experience from volunteer organisations and/or from international communication.
* Very good ability to work in small groups.
Applications should be sent in English to the PTPI office in Berlin before December 1st. Preferably per e-mail: admin-europe@ptpi.org
* Application
* CV
* List of reference/s
We will contact applicants in the beginning of December.
People to People International European Office
Jean-Monnet Haus
Bundesallee 22
10717 Berlin
+49 (0)30 88916433 (office)
+49 (0)30 88916434 (fax)
+49 (0)177 5460984 (mobile)
Open House December 10: www.ptpe.org/openhouse
Job at PTPI European office: www.ptpe.org/job
People to People International: www.ptpi.org
People to People International European Office: www.ptpe.org
Peace through Understanding
Mihai Crisan - European Development Worker
Service Civil International (SCI) - International Secretariat
St-Jacobsmarkt 82, B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tel: 32.3.2265727 Fax: 32.3.2320344
Email: mihai@sciint.org http://www.sciint.org
3.2 Essay Competition "Radically Reducing World Poverty:
> What Role for Europeans?"
> We are organising an Essay Competition "Radically Reducing World Poverty:
> What Role for Europeans?" in order to motivate young people to deepen
> interest in international relations and development and eventually to
> specialise in these domains. Particular emphasis is given to the role of
> Europe in the fight against poverty. The Essay Competition invites to go
> beyond economy and to take into account additional dimensions of
> development.
> We would be very grateful if you could invite the young people to
> participate in the Essay Competition (www.essaycompetition.org)
> and to help us to make it known in your by informing other departments
> administration.
> At the College of Europe, Floricica Olteanu is responsible for organising
> this Europe wide initiative. If you need additional information, you can
> address her at essay.competition@coleurop.be
> Looking forward to your cooperation, yours sincerely,
> Prof. Dr. Robert Picht
> Pro-Rector College of Europe
> Director of the European General and Interdisciplinary Studies
3.3 .Spingtime camp in India
Service Civil International -India
6th November 2003
GREETINGS from SCI India. We are happy to invite you to take part in a workcamp during the month of February 2003 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State, South India. The camp will take place in front of water and middle of forest, hills in a tribal development project in a place called Neyyardam.
The details of the camp are as follows:
Name of the camp : SCI Eves camp
Dates of the camp : Third week of February 2004
Venue of the camp : Neyyardam,Trivandrum, KERALA
No. of Volunteers : Fifteen female volunteers only
(equal number of local female volunteers will join )
Suggested activities : Helping in construction activity,
Check dam making, road making
Visiting villages, families, playing
With tribal children, songs, games, etc.,
Purpose of the camp : To motivate the tribal women in
To social development activities.
Registration fee : Interested volunteers should pay a Registration fee of Euro 75. This money can be paid upon arrival. As a Holland based funding agency Supports this programme we reduce the registration fee from 100 to 75 Euro.
CLIMATIC CONDITION Hot during day time (appx. 30 degree Celsius) and Cold during Night (appx. 15 to 18 degree Celsius.
BOARDING & LODGING Very simple & vegetarian (local food), Group accommodation.
TRAVEL DIRECTIONS Will be provided during the orientation at Chennai.
MUST BRING Mosquito repellant/ointment, Basic medicine, water purification tablets, Water filter (if you have one), Sleeping Bag, Working clothes, Gloves, Shoes, Torch, Music Instrument (if you can play one), open mind and sense of humor.
If you need more details please contact.
R. Arulraj
SCI India.
3.4 Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for volunteer in Siberia
Dear SCI European-only branches,
Due to the late cancellation of a Finnish volunteer, we still have a place open in the frame of EVS for one long-term volunteer in a project of SCG in Siberia for one year starting from now (as soon as possible). Attached is the project description.
If you have a motivated volunteer under 25 years of age who would like to go to Siberia for one year (temperature is already -20), and who preferably speaks already some russian language, please send his/her application using the standard SCI LTV application form to our office.
John Myers
on behalf of EWWG
Please send us your expression of interest for this project at. e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
3. 5. Volunteering in Morocco
1.1- About CSM
CSM, Chantiers Sociaux Marocains is a non profit making NGO founded in 1963 so as to promote the voluntary service among young people and to contribute to the development of the Morocco and support all the associative citizenship initiatives. CSM is a national organization with 52 local sections all around the country.
In addition to its local projects involved in the local development process, CSM organize short ,mid and long term international projects in different kind of wok : Teaching languages , Environment , social ,renovation .
CSM is a full member of the following
- UMAC, Moroccan Union of workcamps associations
- UMAV, The Maghrebian Union of voluntary service
- ICYE; The European association
- The Mediterranean Youth Forum
CSM is also an associate member in ICYE federation
1.2 : About theMTV Project
This project consist on receiving two volunteers in order to help in the CSM office during the busy period from April to August 2004.They will assist the 3 full time staff member in their daily work from Monday to Friday during April and May , however during June ,July and august the work will become harder , the volunteers will may be involved in some works for longer hours or during the weekends or traveling out of the office to follow up the preparation of the workcamps.
In general their work will be around :
- Administrative work ( general enquiries: Tel , Letters , email…)
- International cooperation , managing the incoming and outgoing placements
- Helping in the organization of two training sessions for workcamps animators
- Helping in making general reports about workcamps
- Leading some camps if they fell to be qualified for such a mission
A part from assisting the daily administrative work , this project will be a good opportunity for them to discover CSM structures , activities and way of work , the Moroccan society and way of life and in general to achieve an intercultural exchange.
CSM will see the possibility to provide the volunteers of some basic Arabic language to let them communicating easily with their environment and facilitate their integration.
1.3 :The applicant’s requirements
* Be able to use computer , word-excel-internet…
* Be capable to live in environment with a different cultural background
* Be capable to communicate and write in English language, applicants with French or Arabic language in addition to English will have the easier opportunity to integrate quickly the local environment
* Have some previous volunteer project experience
* Be an open minded person
-The CSM engagements toward the volunteers
* Assure their full accommodation in a hosting family, the volunteers can put in the same one
* Give them pocket money (500 MAD ~ 50 Euros /month) , and cover their local travel costs. No international travel reimbursement is made .
* Provide them with a work accident insurance , the volunteers have to have a personal travel and medical insurance
* Assure all the suitable work conditions
1.4: Holiday :
The volunteers have right in two separate weeks holiday after the two first months. This question could be decided in collaboration with the person in charge of the administration
2- Volunteers selection
2.1 : Deadline for the application : 15 January 2004
2.2 : CSM reaction , the second half of February
2.3 .:More information will be sent to the selected volunteers in Marsh
2.4 : First April , arrival of the selected volunteers
3- The visa
After the expire of the tree months authorized stay , CSM will take in charge the prolongation of the Visa
Thanks in advance for contribution and for your interests to CSM Morocco
3.6. Workcamp volunteers & workshops 2004,Germany
In Summer 2004 SCI-D will organise a workcamp in Berlin on the above subject, followed by visits to 3-4 international workcamps in order to "educate" workcamp volunteers through workshops on the theme. We were thinking that this could be followed up by a one-week study visit or seminar in a CEE country in late Autumn or Winter 2004, in order to make some follow-up and future plans for 2005.
Our question: If you have activists interested in this subject and this idea of cooperation, please can you let us know before the end of this week.
Bst wishes,
John Myers
3.7. Training SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres
Several courses organised through SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres
Inclusion - Education through Sport. How to use sports and outdoor pedagogics as an educational tool to include young people with fewer opportunities in YOUTH Programme projects.
Cultural Diversity - Multiplier training for trainers on Cultural Diversity. Share methods and experiences of working on Diversity issues, develop modules and future training ideas to approach Diversity issues in your area of Europe.
South East Europe - Support Measures and South East Europe. Finding partners and learning how to develop quality Action 5 projects; developing sensitivity for building equal partnerships.
Eastern Europe & Caucausus - Contact Making seminar in Poland - to enhance cooperation between organisations and stimulate the creation of project ideas. Study visit in Ukraine - showing the reality of youth work in EECA countries.
Euromed - A progressive ! curriculum of courses to introduce youth workers to do projects with Euromed countries. Also in 2004, themed courses on 'Education & Civilisation'; 'Three Cultures'; 'How to use the local environment as a pedagogical tool'; 'Common Memory'.
Please send us your expression of interest for this project at. e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
3.8.Winter camp in Russia
25.01 5.02.2004
7 vol. international volunteers + Russian volunteers
The cultural linguistic center “Sodrujestvo” has been organizing workcamps since 2002. The main goal of the organization is to help students in learning foreign languages and foreign cultures through different programs organized by native representatives.
W: Volunteers will work as counselors (leaders of units 6-8 students) representing the native country and the native language, be prepared to work as counselors 6-8 hours a day (leaders of “culture families”). Volunteers should be motivated and ready organize team activities (games, language lessons) inside the unit.
A: rooms in a local children camp. Sleeping bags are not needed. Food in the canteen of the camp.
L: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, (other languages representatives are also welcome, just to introduce us to a different language and culture)
T: Russia, about 650 km to the east from Moscow the city of Cheboxary, the camp is 20 km away from Cheboxary
F: Russian language, leadership trainings and role-games. Sightseeing in Cheboxary, one of the most beautiful cities in the Volga region, the capital of the local ethnicity called “Chuvash” (finno-hungarian group mixed with Turkish groups), winter fishing in the Volga, skiing and skating (Skating competition).
X: We would like you to bring anything that represents your culture: flags, pictures, books, music (songs and words of it), films, games, recipes, and do not forget about high spirits, energy, enthusiasm and good mood!
Participation fee 95 Euro
Krasniy Yar
Nizhny Novgorod region
25.01 4.02.2004
5 vol. international volunteers + Russian local volunteers
The NGO "Vozrazhdenie" have been organizing camp "The town of craftsmen" in Krasnii Yar since 1998. The main goals of organization is to develop and support unemployed in the small villages of North part of Nizhnii Novgorod region by reestablishing folk handicrafts.
For teenagers and youngsters “Vozrazhdenie” organizes different activities, for example, winter out-doors celebrations of different tradition holidays.
W: participate with local teenagers and youngsters in different sources of activities which teach them to care about their region and save the traditional folk and craft knowledge. Pottery and waving master-class. Traditional singing and art classes. Restoration of books in local library. Repairing in a local tourist center (papering the walls and make the decoration of it). Organisation snow-town for the smallest citizens of the village.
S: practical skills of working in workshops such as pottery, weaving, art (like graphics and drawing).
A: rooms in a local tourist center. Please bring sleeping bags. Food in a local canteen.
L: English
T: Nizhny Novgorod region, camp is located on marvelous river Vetluga, 150 km from Nizhnii Novgorod.
F: free time /recreation traditional celebration of Russian winter holidays, skiing, Russian sauna or “banya”, workshops, Russian lessons, meeting local families and getting to know Russian “non-urban” life style.
X: We are asking you to bring, except of sleeping-bag, anything what helps you to represent your culture - some music, instruments, games, books about your native country - and also your energy and enthusiasm.
TRIALOG If you have had this passed to you by a friend and want to receive the
TIS yourself, you can sign in to our online-database at http://www.clong-trialog.at/frame.asp?ID=5 If you would rather not receive the TIS, please send an email to
mailto: office@clong-trialog.at .
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Vienna Office
Wohllebengasse 12-14
1040 Vienna
Tel: +43-1-319 79 49
Fax: +43-1-319 79 49-15
Email: mailto: : office@trialog.or.at > New! http://www.trialog.or.at/ >
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Brussels Office
10 Square Ambiorix
Brussels 1000
Tel: +32-2-743 87 90
Fax: +32-2-732 19 34
mailto: trialog@clong.be http://www.clong-trialog.at
Letter to lobby your government on the EU Constitution
By Florent Sebban, Eurostep, Brussels
The Inter Governmental Conference (IGC) started on 4 October 2003 to
adopt a Constitutional Treaty for the European Union.
The first phase of this process was the negotiation of a Draft
Constitutional Treaty by the Convention on the Future of Europe. Development
Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid were already then in danger of being
subordinated to the objectives of the Unions foreign policy, security and
defence interests. NGOs were able to follow the debate and influence
the Convention to improve the legal base for Development Cooperation and
Humanitarian Assistance.
The recently started IGC will negotiate an agreed Constitutional Treaty
on the basis of the Convention’s proposals. However, this time the
debate is not open to the public. NGOs do not have access to the documents
and are not able to follow in how far the Convention’s outcome is
touched and changed.
Please send the attached letter to your Foreign Affairs minister to
lobby on the development section within the Constitution.
Information on global development issues
Summer School, October 2003, Portugal
Find out about the results of the Development Education Summer School
which was held at the end of October in Portugal:
Sources of information
CONCORD Flash News
The time has come for CONCORD to go strategic: the draft strategy plan
for 2003-2004, identification of the research topics, reflection on the
relations with the institutions and collective lobbying, test of the
consultation procedure, etc. CONCORD is building up its foundations.
Find out more in the Flash News 6:
European Fair Trade Newsletter
Welcome to Newsletter No 9. From this date our newsletters will be
available only in electronic form, via the subscription service or our
website. We have furthermore adapted the layout to make for more convenient
on-screen reading.
To access the newsletter, please click here:
or visit our website: http://www.eftafairtrade.org/newsletter.asp
This edition covers the efforts of DG Trade to arrive at a
comprehensive strategy for sustainable trade. The European Commission has presented
a 12-point Sustainable Trade Action Plan and appears committed to a
more constructive engagement with Fair Trade organisations. The newsletter
also discusses a European Commission working paper on “Agricultural
Commodity Trade, Dependence and Poverty” and the on-going review of
European public procurement legislation, that will determine the degree to
which public authorities will be able to consider social or ethical
criteria in their procurement decisions. Finally, this edition includes
articles on: EDF funds, the Fair Trade group of European Commission
stagiaires and other international developments.
Please feel free to send us your feedback or comments.
Stefan Chrobok
To subscribe:
Submit your email address in the appropriate section on our website:
Stefan Chrobok
EFTA Advocacy and Campaigns Office
Rue de la Charité, 43
B - 1210 Brussels
Tel + 32 (0)2 217 37 95
Fax +32 (0)2 217 37 98
OneWorld SEE NGOs web portal
Information in: SEECRANews 23(III), Slovenia
OneWorld South East Europe in English, South Slavic and Albanian.
Bringing together a network of people and groups working for human rights
and sustainable development from across the globe; with lots of
information, articles and resources.
5. Spanish Speaking Volunteer
Subject: Spanish Speaking Volunteer
My name is: Amy NEWELL
Address: Flat 1, 87 Montpelier Road, Brighton, BN1 3BD
Telephone: 07763 218182 / 01273 239893
Date of birth: 22/02/1978
- 9 GCSE's Grades A to C (including Maths, English lit, English lang and double Science)- Sheen School, London
- A level Theatre Studies - Grade C and a BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA in Performing Arts - DISTINCTION - A level eqv. A&C - The BRIT School for Performing Arts & Technologies, Croydon
- Microsoft Office Training - Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Touch typing (55wpm) - Sight & Sound, London
- Superior Level Diploma in French Language and Civilisation - La Sorbonne University of Paris, France
- Diploma in Web Site Design & Site Management - The American University of Paris, France
- Currently studying for a BA Honors Degree in European Drama with Spanish - Sussex University, Brighton - (Year 2 of a four year sandwich course)
Post-qualification experience:
My studies have been ongoing and have been accompanied by professional experience. I am currently working part time for Lloyds TSB as a Credit Control Agent, I also do 1 day a week Arts Admin for the Sussex Arts Club.
My last Full time job was working as the Content Manager of a European B2B website in Paris. I trained and managed a team of five (graphic designers and data entry assistants, I was responsible for managing the design and running of a database of over 25000 products from over 80 different European Suppliers using ASP to make them available to our 2000 European independent hotelier members). My job here lasted just over two years, the company was unable to obtain funding at the third round of investment and I was made redundant.
Before this I had spent a year and a half working as the PA to a team of four Marketing Analysts in Paris. Before this I had various different jobs in both London and Paris ranging from Assistant Manager of a French Restaurant to Sales Assistant in an IT recruitment Firm.
A member of my familly suggested that I contact VSO.
Why I am contacting VSO:
I am currently in the second year of my degree course at Sussex and have just been informed that they do not have a placement for me for my third year. The aim of my third year is to spend time in a Spanish speaking country and learn Spanish fluently through immersion in the culture. I am therefore trying to arrange a placement and would be interested in any opportunities you may have for someone with my skills. I am bilingual in French and currently have an intermediate level of both written and spoken Spanish which I aim to improve over the year to come.
I look forward to hearing back from you, please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
Best Regards,
Ionela Niculae Flood
* Mentor pentru Explore Cooking Project, derulat de catre Info Manager Association pentru Gaina Alexandru, pentru realizarea unei brosuri cu retete internationale de bucatarie, finantat de catre Strategies for Art & Space .
*Campanie de promovare a imaginii pozitive a Romaniei in Londra-design-ul si desfasurarea unor evenimente culturale si artistice in mediile multiculturale londoneze , cu implicarea operatorilor culturali relevanti la nivel local si la nivel diplomatic, finanta prin fundrising si cooperarea mai multor institutii, firme si organizatii locale .
FACE VALUE EXHIBITION from 16th June –27th July 2003.
In 1979 Mariana Gordan narrowly escaped from Communist Romania and became permanent resident in the UK in a wave of publicity triggered by her story.
1984-1985 a number of public works came her way to produce mosaics for London Transport to their design, for Oxford Circus station, Tottenham Court Road station and Finsbury Park station.
However, Mariana made her most spectacular leap to success when she was short-listed in the Clement Attlee GLS Competition, by a committee chaired by Dame Elisabeth Frink. The names of the artists were kept secret until after the selection of the works –voted the best of five hundred entries – amongst them some famous artists indeed!
In London, Mariana had a number of Exhibitions as well as producing studio work and portrait commissions.
Currently she is preparing a solo show for the Riverside Studios, called FACE VALUE from 16th June –27th July 2003.
62 Hetley Road, Shepherds Bush, W12
Home telephone:
0044 (0)20 8740 6601
0044(0)79 4743 5091
Sediu Social Str. CtT.Petrescu ,nr.7,,sector 6,Bucuresti RO,,tel/fax:004021 725 19 96
Sediu Operativ:Str. Aviatiei Nr 10,,sector 2,Bucuresti,RO tel/fax:004021 232 18 27,
004021250 88 38,mobil 0040 740 131 021
Redactia:1 Marshall House,2 Dorncliffe Road,SW6-5LF,Londra,Marea Britanie ,
e-mail : ionela@btinternet.com
Volum1/2 Octombrie 2003
1.Profil Georgiana Fusu,Director Programe-Asociatia Info Manager
2.Informatii diverse
3.SCI-RO News
5. The Change Management Toolbook
6.Aniversare AIM
INFOMANAGER NEWSLETTER este buletinul editat voluntar si gratuit de catre Asociatia Info Manager (AIM).Informatiile continute provin din mesajele sosite pe adresa AIM.
Pentru inscrieri ,sugestii,materiale ,stiri sau articole va rog sa va adresati editorului Ionela Niculae Flood pe adresa de e_mail:ionela@btinternet.com sau Georgiana Fusu pe adresa de e-mail gfusu26@lycos.co.uk
Reproducerea partiala sau totala a acestor informatii se va realiza numai cu acordul redactiei.
Va asteptam cu sugestii si informatii.
Va multumim.
Avem placerea de a va prezenta noul Director de Programe al Asociatiei Info Manager, D-ra Georgiana Fusu.
Georgiana este absolventa a Facultatii de Drept ,Bucuresti,promotia 1999.
A capatat experienta in activitatea ONG lucrand la Organizatia Salvati Copii Romania ,urmind apoi cursurile de specializare in domeniul protectiei copilului la King’s College din Londra, Marea Britanie.
A lucrat ca manager de proiect si este pasionata de studiul dinamicii sociale.
Incepind cu 1 noiembrie 2003 , Georgiana se va ocupa de coordonarea proiectelor si organizarea bazei de date a Asociatiei Info Manager in Romania ,realizind in acelasi timp si feedback-ul cu punctual de lucru din Londra.
Ii uram bun venit si speram ca proiectele asociatiei se vor bucura de continuitate si de sprijinul dumneavoastra binevenit.
Va rog sa va adresati Georgianei pentru orice sugestie sau informatie legate de Asociatia Info Manager , pe urmatoarele adrese de e-mail:
Ionela Niculae Flood
Asociatia Info Manager
2.Informatii diverse
2.1.Dance Festival BucharEast.West 200
2.2.Nouveaux cours a l'Institut Francais de Bucarest
2.3.Abonamente la Buletinul Voluntar
Persoanele interesate de informatiile cuprinse in Romanian dance newsletter si Voluntar sunt
rugate sa realizeze abonamente individuale electronice (gratuite).
2.1.Dance Festival BucharEast.West 2003
If you are interested to receive periodically by mail or email information
about the International Dance Festival BucharEast.West 2003, about the
performances and the choreographic projects of Proiect DCM foundation and
other cultural events, please fill in the form attached bellow and send it
to Proiect DCM, Po box 22-183, Bucharest, Romania of at the email address:
Postal address:
2.Multumim pentru ajutorul dat in mediatizarea festivalului BucurESTi.VEST. Va cerem scuze pentru modificarile care au bulversat programul... Multumim pentru intelegere celor - unii dintre ei chiar parteneri media - care nu au mai gasit locuri, dar au ramas totusi la spectacole, fiindca nu degeaba au fost salile pline. Ne pare rau ca au existat publicatii, posturi de radio si TV care nu au suflat nici macar o vorbulita despre festival, embargo total - lor le vom spune ca Fundatia Proiect DCM continua sa existe, sa dea informatii si sa activeze in domeniul dansului contemporan chiar si in perioada de 2 ani dintre festivale, pentru ca un asemenea festival NU se face cat ai clipi din ochi, ci cere timp, bani, daruire, profesionalism si cate altele, vizibile sau nu unui ochi exterior. Pentru ca nu este chiar simplu sa aduci in fata publicului din Romania spectacole pe care oricare dintre scenele lumii s-ar mandri sa le gazduiasca - premiera lui Jasperse din mai 2003 de la New York ar fi doar un exemplu.
Spectacole pe care esti fericit daca le vezi pe caseta video au fost aduse "in carne si oase" aici. Si multi dintre spectatori au aflat asta datorita dumneavoastra.
Va multumim si va uram sa aveti unde sa vedeti spectacole care sa va umple sufletul!
Biroul de presa al festivalului
Eugenia Taralunga
International Dance Festival
PO BOX 22-183
Bucharest, Romania
phone/fax: + 40 21 212.5467
email: fest@dnt.ro
2.2.Nouveaux cours a l'Institut Francais de Bucarest
Madame, Monsieur,
Tout au long de l'annie vous participez aux cours de frangais proposis par l'Institut Frangais de Bucarest.
Afin de vous permettre de poursuivre votre apprentissage du frangais nous organisons de nouveaux cours a partir du mois d'octobre.
L'objectif de ce cours est de permettre aux itudiants de niveau intermidiaire et avanci d'entretenir et de perfectionner leur comprihension et leur pratique de la langue parlie (expression de l'opinion, argumentation, dibats), dans la perspective de la priparation ou non d'un dipltme.
Le support de dipart de chacune des siances est constitui par un document vidio ou un document icrit ; ainsi grbce a de courts reportages tilivisis ou a des articles de presse, on pourra observer et commenter des faits de sociiti et l'actualiti quotidienne.
Ce cours permettra a l'itudiant de pratiquer la langue en discutant avec le professeur et avec les autres itudiants autour d'un theme. Le professeur dirige la conversation, anime le groupe et corrige les erreurs de chacun.
C'est en effet en parlant qu'on progresse et c'est en itant plus a l'aise dans la conversation qu'on s'adapte facilement a des situations de la vie quotidienne ou professionnelle.
Il s'agit de 14 siances de cours d'1h30 au tarif de 30 euros. Les cours auront lieu vendredi de 17h00 a 18h30.
Ce cours s'adresse a des itudiants possidant un niveau de frangais avanci et disireux d'approfondir leurs connaissances de la sociiti frangaise, dans la perspective de la priparation ou non d'un dipltme.
A partir de documents icrits, audios et vidios, issus des midias, ce cours permettra d'observer, commenter et analyser l'ivolution politique, sociale, culturelle et linguistique, en France et de mieux connantre et comprendre la France d'aujourd'hui.
Diffirents themes seront abordis, tels que les collectivitis territoriales et les rigions en France ; la sociiti frangaise : la nouvelle famille ; l'iconomie, les communications et les transports ; la riduction du temps de travail : les 35 Heures ; le travail des femmes en France ; les acteurs sociaux en France ; les nouvelles technologies ; la vie politique frangaise : les ilections ; le systeme iducatif frangais et les itudes supirieures ; la politique culturelle de la France et les pratiques culturelles des frangais.
Il s'agit de 14 siances de cours d'1h30 au tarif de 30 euros. Les cours auront lieu le lundi de 18h00 a 20h30.
Cours annuel d'1h30 par semaine
Pour tout renseignement supplimentaire, n'hisitez pas a nous contacter par tiliphone au 211 99 30 ou par e-mail a inscri@culture-france.ro.
Veuillez agrier , Madame Monsieur, l'expression de nos sinceres salutations
2.3.Abonamente la Buletinul Voluntar
CP: 22-219, Bucuresti.
Adresa de e-mail: acc es@fdsc.ro
Pe internet la http://www.fdsc.ro
Telefon: 021 310 01 77; Fax: 021 310 01 80
VOLUNTAR este un buletin informativ gratuit, editat saptamanal de Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile (FDSC). Buletinul apare si intr-o versiune prescurtata in limba engleza, care se distribuie la cerere. Informatiile din VOLUNTAR sunt preluate, in principal, din comunicate si materiale ale organizatiilor neguvernamentale sosite pe adresa FDSC si din fluxurile agentiilor de presa. Reproducerea informatiilor din VOLUNTAR este permisa cu rugamintea de mentionare a sursei, cu acordul prealabil in scris al editorului. Buletinul este disponibil si pe Internet, la adresa: http://www.fdsc.ro/ro/publicatii/voluntar.html . Adresa de e-mail pentru mesaje, comunicate, sugestii, abonare si dezabonare este acces@fdsc.ro . Va rugam ca anunturile sa nu depaseasca 300 de cuvinte si sa le trimiteti inainte de inchiderea editiei, adica pina luni la orele 14:00.
3 SCI-RO Romania news
3.1.Call for volunteers: SpaceForPeace website!
3.2 URGENT: Call for pps Roma study visit in Slovakia
3.3 Human Rights Fellowship at CEU Hungary
3.4 Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for a trainer with experience in conflict mediation work.
3.5 "Metode creative folosite in activitatile de tineret"-Curs
3.6.Consultare pentru SVS in Rusia
3.7 Application for the LYMEC-ELDR internship in Brussels.
Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa va adresati direct
Service Civil International Romania (SCI-RO)
Str. Aviator Darian 9, bl.11B, apt.3
011715, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
phone: +4021 2311820 fax: +4021 2303010
e-mail: sciro@fx.ro www.sci.ro
Mon-Fri 15:00-18:00
============================================================= ===============================
3.1.Call for volunteers: SpaceForPeace website!
Dear friends,
We are looking for people to put together the team for the Space for Peace
website (see the note for a short description of the website and its
objectives. For more info contact me at anca@sciint.org).
If you are tired of websites that do not satisfy your need for activism, your
search for help and your interest in reaching other volunteers, than join our
team and let’s put together the real activism website, let’s make some space
for peace in the virtual world and beyond.
We need:
-One experienced, skilled team-member in the technical field, translating the
website concept into the technical configuration. Let’s call him/her,
Coordinator. We want to work the website in PHP, (so we prioritise those who
know it), or in a similar program (e.g. Open ASC).
-Two experienced team-members in any of the following activism
anti-racism, human rights, peace. It is preferable to also have some
experience in previous media- connected activities, but this is not
Let’s call them Editors. It deals with overall concept and vision
(editing, writing, research).
Send us your name, your organization, previous experience in the required
fields, a short motivation letter and samples (especially for the Technical
Coordinator) of your previous work. Applications should be sent to
anca@sciint.org no later than the 31st of October 2003.
We count on your enthusiasm, we hope you have idealist blood in you and really
think a peace-activism website can make a difference if you know how to put
together the parts in this popular communication tool.
What do I get from this?… you might ask yourself. First of all, you’re in a
voluntary organisation, so you know the pleasures of voluntary help. Secondly,
what about the friends, the experience, the excitement of doing something
for a
good cause?!
Whether you apply or not we are still waiting for your suggestions, this is an
SCI website that deals with anti-racism, human rights and peace activism, to
make it work we need fresh ideas, your interest and trust.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Anca Rusu
Note 1:
You might have heard before about “the virtual community - ARICS” (Anti-Racist
Information Communication Support), well, from now on it is “the Space For
Peace website”.
DESCRIPTION (Space For Peace website):
Includes information on planning projects, steps in developing on-going
projects; Evaluation; Dissemination of Information (downloadable resource
packs, etc); Promotes the principles on which peace is built, is an active
defender of human rights, supports international projects in the virtual
deals with a wide range of peace related issues, works to combat war and
through the voluntary oriented projects it supports. The website will not take
sides unless it is directly connected to SCI principles. It’s opened to
presenting the sides in a conflict but it demands solutions.
OBJECTIVES (Space For Peace website):
- to facilitate communication between the volunteers involved in the running
projects strongly connected to the idea of peace. (e.g.: the projects resulted
after the Making Space For Peace seminar held in The Netherlands, September
- to “advertise” for peace
- to offer anti-racism/ peace related tools for the workcamps(e.g.: resource
packs, etc.)
- to suggest, support, evaluate action in the areas where SCI’s workcamps,
projects, and volunteers are working or needed
- to connect in the cyberspace with other organisation
- to recruit new volunteers
- to update on the projects/ events/ actions
- to survey projects/ volunteers opinions/ international events
- to counsel volunteers (the “peace-fill centre”, where volunteers from
SCI workcamps can comment on the conflicts they were faced with during
workcamps, how they solved them, asking questions) All parts are welcomed to
comment and find solutions for future such events; improvements, etc.
- to get the volunteers more involved in the decision making process (allowing
everybody to suggest a workcamp or similar actions within SCI branches
and the
Space for Peace website), listening to their opinions, suggestions.
Note 2:
The website team at this stage:
My name is Anca Rusu and I work in the SCI-IS in Antwerp, Belgium from
where we
are running the Space For Peace campaign. My part in the working-team for the
Space For Peace website is that of coordinating, in other words I’m the Chief
Mihai Crisan (SCI-IS)- Project Leader
The concept for the website exists, it has already been read by three other
persons involved in the campaign, commented on and changed where needed,
however this is a draft opened to new suggestions and ideas, that’s why we
you too.
At this moment there is no face-to-face meeting planned due to lack of money,
so most of our meetings to discuss, propose and evaluate are going to be
online, that shouldn’t be too bad for a website team, right?
The team should finish its job at the end of the spring 2004.
SCI-ANNOUNCE list of Service Civil International. To unsubscribe,
mail sci-announce-request@ddh.nl and write: unsubscribe
Also see http://www.ddh.nl/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sci-announce
3.2 URGENT: Call for pps Roma study visit in Slovakia
Dear Friends,
EDYN, another vountary network organisation which is an AVSO member is urgently looking for replacing a participant that cancelled their participation in this Study Tour. As some of you have been active with regard to Roma, I thought this might be of interest to some of you, especially if you are thinking of other ways to cooperate or get Roma involved in SCI activities. For those interested, please find below some information about the background of the activities and the goals of the Roma study visit.
Va rugam contactati biroul SCI-RO daca sunteti interesati.
INFO from Jana
Roma activities in Slovakia
In order to spread the projects and activities of hosting volunteers in Slovakia, at the beginning of the year 2003 I focused on the monitoring of the placements and to contact the people working directly with Roma , to collect some information about Roma situation in Slovakia, take part in meetings of Roma working group and advisory goup in Budapest.
The point of view of majority society towards Roma is not unit and also the work done within the communities or the regions is different from community to community depends on living conditions, education, cooperation of churches and local community ( mayor ).
In February 2003, we visited some communities in Eastern part of Slovakia and spoke with people who are now willing to cooperate on the programme of voluntary service:
- Roma exposure programme
- the creation of the placements for hosting volunteers from abroad
To be aware of good preparation of projects volunteers coming to the placements from your organisations I decided to introduce you the placemnts and and also potentional activities done by volunteers.
I submitted a project for STUDY VISIT ( Action 5 ) which was approved by Slovak national agency.
The goals of the projects are:
- to create and develop new form on communication and cooperation through the establishment of network of organisation directly and indirectly working with Roma, Tabita and EDYN partners and other partner organisation
- to enhance the dialogue between partner organisation and the quality on the concept work with the target group - Romas ( education, Christian community, social situation )
- to create the intern guide concerning on the preparation, support and counselling the volunteers
- to set up the advisory group.
The Study VISIT will be organised followed dates:
- 28. October - 1 November ( directly from the conference in Warsave )
Region of the study visit: EAST SLOVAKIA
Accomodation and food is free
Travel costs: 75 % is covered
At the end we will have time to evaluate the visit and discuss about the next development of Roma projects.
Roma study visit
Voluntary service as a tool for brigde building between mjority and minority culture
Study visit, Action 5, Project : SK-511-15-2003-R2 Tabita n.o., Slovakia, 27-10/1-11/2003
Monday 27/10 Tuesday 28/10 Wednesday 29/10 Thursday 30/10 Friday 31/10 Saturday 1/11
Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
Presentations of :
• aim + objectives
• participants
• Infosession on day D 1
• Infosession on organisations day D 2
• Infosession on organisations day D 2 • Infosession on organisations day D3
Evaluation part I
o Brother Church, Košice
Mrs. Maria Baranova o ETP - Spišská Nová Ves,
o Kindergarden, Pastoral centre Rudňany
Mr. Karel Novák o Nádej deťom, Hope for children, Horná strieborná 3, Banská Bystrica
Mr. Štefan Náther o Evangelical Church
Teplý vrch 34,
Mr. Madzin Ivan
Mrs. V. Lisaková Evaluation part II
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Arrival participants
to Košice
Hotel Akadémia
Južná trieda 10
o Kindergarden, Pastoral cenre in Bardejov -Postarka
Sister Atanazia
Departure to Spišská Nová Ves
Ubytovňa Limba
Spišská Nová Ves
o Roma community centre, Spišské Tomášovce
Ms. Lenka Vavreková
Departure to Banská Bystrica
Penzión Moyzes
Š. Moyzesa 2
Banská Bystrica
Departure to Gemer (Hrachovo, Teplý vrch, Dražice )
Hotel Teplý vrch
o Evangelical Church, SEM - Hrachovo
Mr. M. Bodolo
Hotel Teplý vrch
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
Welcome evening
• Reflection on visits
• Evaluation • Reflection on visits
• Evaluation • Reflection on visits
• Evaluation • Reflection on visits
• Evaluation
3.3 Human Rights Fellowship at CEU Hungary
Open Society Justice Initiative
Central European University
Department of Legal Studies
CEU Budapest
Justice Initiative Fellows Program at Central European University
(2004 –2006 session)
The Open Society Justice Initiative (Justice Initiative), part of the Open Society Institute (OSI), joins with Central European University (CEU) to announce Justice Initiative Fellows Program. The aim of the program is to support and further develop a network of lawyers and activists working on human rights-related issues
The Human Rights Fellows Program is a two year program of study and practical work experience. Up to ten applicants will be selected in 2004 to participate in the program.
Applicants from the following regions and countries are eligible to participate in the program: Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Mongolia, West and Southern Africa, Great Lakes region in Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Haiti, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
Applicants must be nominated by a non-governmental organization concerned with human rights. The applicant must demonstrate a strong commitment to human rights, a university degree and a high degree of proficiency in English. Criteria for selection will include the experience of the applicant, the applicant's potential to contribute to the protection and promotion of human rights, and the suitability of the applicant's proposed role in the nominating NGO. Upon their selection, Fellows will be required to sign an agreement with Justice Initiative according to which they will commit themselves for two years in the program: the first year to be spent with the Central European University. The second year is to be spent in his/her home country working with the nominating NGO.
Human Rights Fellows will reside a total of one year in Hungary, at CEU Legal Studies Department. They will undertake a degree program (M.A. or LL.M. in Human Rights, dependent on their undergradu! ate degree), in which they will be required to fulfill the requirements of the Human Rights Program at Central European University. During their stay at CEU the Fellows will also participate in a three-month internship placement with leading NGOs in Europe from January till March.
The Justice Initiative Fellowship will be administered by the Legal Studies Department of the CEU in the partnership with Justice Initiative during the first year of the program. Financial terms will be identical to CEU policies for full scholarship students. Human Rights Fellows will return to their nominating NGOs after the first year, where they will spend at least one year working on human rights advocacy on a non-profit basis: providing legal services, undertaking human rights litigation, providing training and education, etc. Justice Initiative will pay a local salary during this second year that is equal to an amount determined to be similar to equivalent work by the nominating NGO. This amount will be provided to the nominating NGOs in the form of a grant.
Application Procedure
Please note that applicants must submit their applications to the CEU Admissions Office. Applicants must meet the general CEU Admissions requirements (http://www.ceu.hu/prospective_students.html), as well as the CEU Legal Studies Department Admissions Requirements (http://www.ceu.hu/legal/legent_2002.html). In addition, applicants must include:
1. Nominating letter from an NGO describing the need for having a lawyer, activist or scholar working in the organization and contractually committing to Justice Initiative to hire the applicant for at least one year after he/she returns from the twelve-month training program in Hungary. The nomination letter should also indicate a monthly salary gross rate in USD (including all taxes and fees) that will be offered to the applicant by the NGO in the event that he or she is selected for the program (which would be provided to the NGO by Justice Initiative in the form of a grant).
2. If applicable, a copy of your Bar Association membership, or the date scheduled for your examination.
3. English Proficiency Proof (if available). If no language test had been taken, this test will be carried out during the procedure (the period of time will be clarified later). For the applicants from FSU and CE Europe the test will be carried our by local Soros Foundation/Open Society Institute Coordinators, in other regions applicants will be contacted separately.
4. Statement of purpose for applying to the Justice Initiative Fellows program. Proposal of project activities that the candidate plans to work on during the second year of fellowship.
The DEADLINE for receiving applications in at CEU is January 5, 2004. If you have questions regarding the first year of the program, please contact Maria Balla, Department Coordinator, Legal Studies Department, Central European University, Nádor u. 9, Budapest 1051, tel: 361 327-3204, e-mail: ballam@ceu.hu, web: http://www.ceu.hu. For more information about the overall program, please contact Rita Bakradze, Program Coordinator at Justice Initiative, Nador u. 11, Budapest 1051, phone: 361 327-3102; fax: 361 327 3103; e-mail: rbakradze@osi.hu
3.4 Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for a trainer with experience in conflict mediation work.
Dragi voluntari
Se cauta traineri...asa cum scrie si in titlu. Daca sunteti specializati sau aveti experienta in aplanarea conflictelor nu pierdeti ocazia sa va inscrieti ca trainer la evenimemtul prezentat mai jos.
Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita la sciro@fx.ro formularul de inscriere atasat.
Va asteptam,
Service Civil International
Empowering Youth Leaders with Advanced Skills in Conflict Mediation
Georgia, 25-31 January 2004
Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for a trainer with experience in conflict mediation work.
The “Empowering Youth Leaders with Advanced Skills in Conflict Mediation” is a follow-up activity to a training held in September 2002 by the Conflict Resolution Team of GATE. A key recommendation of the 2002 event was to hold a training focused on mediation rituals and simulation with the aim of providing participants with practical skills in conflict mediation. This new training is designed to empower the participants of the 2002 training with more advanced practical skills and to invite other activists who have a basic knowledge and involvement in conflict transformation or resolution.
The aims of the training are as follows:
· To provide advanced training in mediation skills to activists.
· To enable the participants to act as volunteer mediators in their organisations.
· To integrate the participants into the growing network of trainers in conflict resolution and the planned activities of the Conflict Resolution Team
· To foster the overall ability of SCI and its partner organisations in the field of conflict resolution and to improve the quality of conflict transformation and conflict resolution activities. This is important for our partners in Central and Eastern Europe, especially for organisations in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia who are actively working towards peace in their countries.
· To use interactive and innovative training methods in order to give activists from Western, Central and Eastern Europe the confidence, skills and knowledge in conflict mediation and foster their personal development.
· To develop new projects and new partnerships in the field of conflict resolution, particularly in the Caucasus region.
People to attend
The course will be over seven days, and will have 20 participants from approximately 15 countries. We strive to achieve a gender balance in its participation and a balance of participation from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Confederation of Independent States.
...your role as a trainer
As a resource person, your participation in the event would require you to share your experience and know-how with activists, project co-ordinators and volunteers from SCI Branches and groups and partner organisations.
The preparatory team is in charge of organising the training, however, as a trainer you will be asked to provide specific contributions on the topics to be covered such as Mediation Skills, Mediation Ritual, Exploring Different Conflict Situations etc. For further details please see the draft programme.
A prep-team meeting will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia on 11-13 November. It is essential for the trainer to attend this meeting.
· strong interest and skills/experience in conflict mediation;
· ability to work in English;
· experience of working with groups of international volunteers;
· able to access internet on a regular basis for communication purposes (at least every 3 days).
The practical conditions:
SCI GATE will pay for travel and visa expenses connected both with prep-team meeting and training itself, as well as for board and lodging. The training fee will be upto 300 € (euro) per day. The trainer is required to attend the prep-team meeting (3 days) and full duration of the event (7 days).
Application process:
Please find attached the trainer application form for this event. Please send your CV and application by 31st October to the SCI-RO office:
3.5 "Metode creative folosite in activitatile de tineret"-Curs
Fundatia Life invita lucratori de tineret sa se inscrie la cursul "Metode creative folosite in activitatile de tineret".
Acesta va avea loc in Oradea, in perioada 7-9 noeimebrie 2003 si este dedicat lucratorilor de tineret care s-au plictisit sa foloseasca aceleasi metode.
Termenul limita de inscriere este 31 Octombrie.
§ Scopul si obiectivele cursului
Scopul cursului de instruire este de a crea un cadru pentru lucratorii de tineret de a
se dezvolta personal si profesional.
Obiectivele specifice sunt:
- sa dezvolte cunostintele, aptitudinile si atitudinile lucratorilor de tineret
- sa ajute lucratorii de tineret sa dezvolte servicii pentru tineri, adaptate nevoilor
- sa ajute lucratorii de tineret sa cunoasca noi metode creative in munca cu tinerii
- sa dezvolte potentialul creativ al lucratorilor de tineret
§ Metodologie si elementele programului
Implicarea activa a participantilor va fi metoda de lucru care va fi folosita in cadrul
acestui curs. El va crea cadrul participantilor pentru a se organiza si a crea spatiul
pentru propria invatare.
Cursul de instruire va avea doua parti:
- prima parte in care participantii vor fi familiarizati cu notiunea de educatie
nonformala, procesul de invatare al adultilor, metode si tehnici folosite in educatia
- a doua parte in care participantii vor experimenta cele invatate si vor invata sa
creeze si sa adapteze metodele invatate la grupurile lor de beneficiarii
Pentru a insuma, cursul de instruire va fi 90% experimentare (bazat foarte mult pe
disponibilitatea participantilor de a invata), 5% facilitare, 5% discutii si dialog, 0%
lectura, 0% plictiseala si aproape 100% distractie.
§ Conditii financiare de participare
- masa de pranz si pauzele de cafea pe durata cursului sunt asigurate de catre
Fundatia Life
- nu se asigura cazare si transport pentru participanti
- nu exista taxa de participare
§ Conditii de participare
Pentru a fi selectionati participantii trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele criterii:
- sa aiba varsta intre 16-25 de ani
- sa fie activi intr-o organizatie care are ca primi beneficiari tinerii
- sa mai fi lucrat cu grupuri de tineri in prealabil
- sa participe la toata durata cursului ( zilnic de la 10,00-19,00)
- sa inteleaga limba de derulare a cursului, limba romana
§ Procesul de aplicare
Toti candidatii trebuie sa foloseasca formularul de aplicare care trebuie trimis
pana in data de 31 Octombrie 2003. Aplicatiile se trimit pe e-mail la adresa:
sciro@fx.ro sau la numarul de fax: 021-2303010.
De asemenea aplicatia trebuie insotita de o scrisoare de confirmare din partea
organizatiei pentru candidatul delegat.
Numai candidatii selectati vor fi contactati telefonic sau prin e-mail in data de 3
Noiembrie 2003.
Organizatiile din care provin aplicantii trebuie sa faca tot efortul pentru a se asigura ca
participantul va fi prezent pe toata perioada cursului. Daca, din motive exceptionale,
ei nu pot participa, este necesar ca organizatia sa ne informeze imediat de acest fapt.
§ Cine este Fundatia Life
Fundatia Life este o organizatie non-guvernamentala din Romania, nascuta in 14
februarie 1999 care are ca misiune dezvoltarea societatii civile prin intarirea fortei
tuturor actorilor cu accent pe tineri si lucratori de tineret.
Formulareul de inscriere este in fisierul atasat.
Formular de aplicatie
A. Informatii despre aplicant
Data nasterii
Functia in organizatie
Numarul de telefon
Nevoi speciale / probleme de sanatate
(va rugam specificati si explicati)
B. Informatii despre organizatie
Numele organzatiei
Adresa organizatiei
Numarul de telefon
Adresa de e-mail
De ce este interesata organizatia voastra de a participa la acest curs?
Care este grupul de beneficiari al organizatie voastre?
Cum va beneficia organizatia voastra de pe urma acestui curs?
C. Experienta anterioara in munca cu tinerii
In ce mod esti implicat(a) in munca cu tinerii ?
Ai mai participat la cursuri de instruire pentru lucratorii de tineret? Daca da, care au fost acestea?
D. Asteptari si motivatie
Care este motivatia ta de a participa la acest curs de instruire?
Care sunt asteptarile tale de la acest curs?
Timiteti aceasta aplicatie la adresa:
Fax: 021/2303010
e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
Termenul limita de trimitere a aplicatei este 31 Octombrie 2003, orele 14:00
3.6. Proiectele European Voluntary Service – EVS in Rusia
Dragi voluntari
Incepand cu aprilie 2004 am putea sa trimitem voluntari (oricare dintre voi care indeplinesc conditiile mentinate de mai jos) in Rusia, intr-un proiect de voluntariat pe termen lung - vedeti descrierea si conditiile de mai jos.
Intrebarea este daca vreunul dintre voi este interesat de un astfel de proiect, sa ca stim daca devenim sau nu parteneri. Este si un termen limita pentru un raspuns din partea Romaniei - 31 octombrie.
Astept parerea voastra,
1. Proiectele European Voluntary Service - EVS
Reprezinta o oportunitate oferita tinerilor intre 18-25 ani de a lucra in folosul comunitatii locale dintr-o alta tara decat tara lor de origine, in diferite domenii de activitate, cum ar fi social, cultural, mediu, patrimoniu, sport si recereere.
Voluntarul trebuie sa locuiasca legal intr-una din tarile participante la programul Comunitatii Europene si sa aiba varsta cuprinsa in principiu, intre 18-25 ani. Voluntarul se angajeaza in aceasta experienta cu dorinta de a invata si de a aprecia alta cultura, de a se integra in alta comunitate si de a lua parte activ la actiuni in sprijinul acesteia, fiind responsabil cu sarcinile care ii revin.
Pentru a fi acceptati ca voluntar, tinerii nu sunt conditionati de o anumita calificare sau de mediul social din care provin.
Bugetul unui astfel de proiect include toate cheltuielile de transport, cazare, masa, bani de buzunar si curs de limba pentru voluntari.
Proiectele EVS reprezinta Actiunea 2 a programuului «Tineret» desfasurat de Comisia Europeana prin Agentia Nationala din Romania ANSIT.
Pentru a participa la o astfel de proiect trebuie sa:
- aveti intre 18-25 ani;
- aveti minim experienta unei tabere de voluntariat;
- sa ne asistati in completarea unor formulare de inscriere speciale.
3.7Application for the LYMEC-ELDR internship in Brussels.
Application for the LYMEC-ELDR internship in Brussels. Apply now!
You can find the application for the LYMEC-ELDR internship at the LYMEC Secretariat in Brussels @ Lymec.org
LYMEC is looking for a new Executive Director who can help with all the administrative and maintenance tasks related to our Secretariat. All the information concerning the job (description, conditions and application) will be found at the attached document.
The applicant should be young and fresh, with an open and tolerant attitude towards different cultures and working methods and a sense of team spirit. The person should also have readiness to work occasionally long hours and resistance to stress situations.
It will be necessary to have a good written and spoken knowledge of English and it will be right considered to have a good knowledge of French, as well as any other European language. Experience in international youth work and in liberal youth organisations will be also valued, as well as previous experience within LYMEC and/or the ELDR.
Applications should be sent to our Secretariat no later than Friday, 31 October 2003 at 1PM.
Any further questions or doubts regarding the job or the application can be addressed to the Roger Albinyana i Saigí, LYMEC Secretary-general.
TRIALOG If you have had this passed to you by a friend and want to receive the
TIS yourself, you can sign in to our online-database at http://www.clong-trialog.at/frame.asp?ID=5 If you would rather not receive the TIS, please send an email to
mailto: office@clong-trialog.at .
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Vienna Office
Wohllebengasse 12-14
1040 Vienna
Tel: +43-1-319 79 49
Fax: +43-1-319 79 49-15
Email: mailto: : office@trialog.or.at > New! http://www.trialog.or.at/ >
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
Brussels Office
10 Square Ambiorix
Brussels 1000
Tel: +32-2-743 87 90
Fax: +32-2-732 19 34
mailto: trialog@clong.be http://www.clong-trialog.at
5.The Change Management Toolbook
From: "Change Management Toolbook"
Subject: Training on Consulting and Leadership Skills
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 14:58:51 +0200
X-RAVMilter-Version: 8.4.3(snapshot 20030212) (mail)
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by fx.ro id h9HNtWwL026365
Dear colleague,
our change management training courses always attract an international audience from the profit and non-profit sector. They give you the chance to open to new horizons and at the same time link up with people from all over the world. In 2004, we offer seminars on consulting and leadership skills. More information can be found on
These are our forthcoming courses:
Essential Consulting and Advisory Skills (March 2004), South Africa
OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY - Winning Stakeholders Hearts and Minds. (March/April 2004), South Africa
The New Leadership Skills - Bringing Project Teams to Success (May 2004), Germany
A more detailed description of the courses can be found below or on our website
We are looking forward to meeting you in Germany or South Africa. Please check our website for information on location, programme and fees.
With best regards,
Holger Nauheimer
The Change Management Toolbook
The New Leadership Skills - Bringing Project Teams to Success
International Change Management Training Event
May 16-22, 2004 in Berlin, Germany
You will learn how to:
- establish direction
- align people
- become a motivator
- solve conflicts productively
- think strategically
Projects are operations that have a limited shelf life. Often, a small group of people, on a restricted budget, is supposed to work on the achievement of ambitious objectives. Besides project management skills, i.e. the ability to allocate the limited resources efficiently, leadership skills are needed for:
Establishing direction: developing a shared vision of the future, together with the project team and other relevant stakeholders, and helping to find strategies for achieving this vision.
Aligning people: deciding on the appropriate level of participation for creating the vision, and communicating the vision to those who have not participated in the design process.
Motivating and inspiring: helping people to energize themselves to overcome political, bureaucratic and intra-personal barriers to change.
Solving conflicts: understanding conflicts as a part of daily business life and helping to solve emerging conflicts by appreciating and working with different thinking styles.
Strategic thinking: predicting future trends and communicating them to the project staff and other stakeholders.
Projects rarely fail because of limited resources but rather because of team members and other stakeholders are not sufficiently aligned towards the vision of the project.
This training course explores the soft skills that are needed for successful project leadership. It is based on the Five Disciplines of Learning Organizations that were introduced by Peter Senge and the Society for Organizational Learning.
More information can be found at
Essential Consulting and Advisory Skills
March 21-27, 2004 in Johannesburg
Recently, a new understanding of consultancy has emerged. The consultant is to a growing extent involved in process management rather than in pure technology transfer. This is valid for management consultants as well as for engineers, health personnel, teachers, etc. There are plenty of examples where projects or project components fail because consultants have not systematically considered the system, i.e. the perception of the various stakeholders and the hidden agendas of the involved organizations.
The competent advisor knows exactly the demand of the client. For that, he is able to apply certain interview techniques that reveal the agenda behind the agenda. He can distinguish between the contracting agency and the real client who receives the service and understands the systemic variables of his assignment. To get to that point, the consultant first needs to build a relationship based on trust, on the specified roles of the various partners. He then can specify his assignment, taking into account different mental models.
More information can be obtained by clicking the following link:
OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY - Winning Stakeholders Hearts and Minds.
Training for Large Group Facilitators
March 29 - April 2, 2004 in Cape Town
Organisations, communities, whole countries and the entire world today are changing at breathtaking speed. New ways of co-operation and collaboration in this rapidly changing environment are urgently needed. Navigating this complex situation requires new strategies and technologies to explore opportunities, design and redesign work practices, adapt to the new challenges and recognise the potential in new possibilities...and to do all of these effectively and quickly, involving players from all levels of the organisation or the community.
The information and expertise needed to operate in this changing climate is available but scattered. We do not possess it individually but it is available in the groups, subsystems, organisations, networks and communities we work and live in. Collectively, we are able to address the challenges, issues and opportunities we presently face. Working productively in the changing world of organisations and communities requires the commitment of many people from different parts of an organisation and from different interest groups.
Open Space Technology supports systems of all sizes in navigating and adapting to the major changes we all experience. It provides a framework of time and space in which people self organise their own process and work on issues they feel passionate about and for which they will take responsibility. Since Harrison Owen discovered this unique and radical workshop technique 20 years ago, it was successfully applied by thousands of communities and non-profit organizations, as well as by private companies such as AT&T, BBC, Mercedes Benz AG, Pepsi Cola, and Boeing. The number of participants in such an interactive workshop is virtually unlimited.
We believe that all consultants, trainers, managers, project managers, leaders of businesses or communities will benefit from a training where they can learn how to organise and facilitate large group sessions in Open Space format.
More information can be obtained by clicking the following link:
ASOCIATIA INFO MANAGER aniverseaza azi cel de-al doilea an al existentei sale.
Multumesc celor care au sprijinit formarea ei si i-au acordat o sansa .
Celor doi ani de cautari ii vom adauga cit mai multe certitudini si sperante implinite.
Va asteptam cu informatii,sugestii si entuziasm.
Asociatia Info Manager
Manager General
Ileana Panait Ploscaru
Social Base: Street CtT.Petrescu, nr.7, District 6, Bucharest, RO, tel/fax:004021 725 19 96
e-mail: Infomanager_ro@yahoo.com
Operative Base: Str. Aviatiei Nr 10, District 2, Bucharest, RO, tel/fax:004021 232 18 27,
004021250 88 38,mobil 0040 740 131 021
Redaction: 1 Marshall House, 2 Dorncliffe Road, SW6-5LF, London, UK,
E-mail: ionela@btinternet.com
Volum1/3 November 2003
1.On-the move Invitation
2.Get Started - sportiv programm
3. SCI-RO News
4.Trialog news
5.Volunteering offer
I am presenting you some brief information about the Info Manager Association of Romania (AIM) that was established by the participants of a "Institutional Strengthening" Phare programme in 2001, organised by the Romanian Ministry of Culture. The current 50 members of the Info Manager Association represent a wide cross-section of artists and managers in the Romanian cultural sector.
AIM is interested in promoting activities related to development of management and marketing in all fields of activity and networking this information to the widest public through all media.
INFOMANAGER NEWSLETTER is the voluntary and free bulletin edited by the Info Manager Association, Romania (AIM). The information content is provided by the messages arrived at Info Manager Association address.
For membership, suggestions, materials, news or articles, please contact the editor, Ionela Niculae Flood at e-mail address: ionela@btinternet.com.
Partial or total reproduction of this information will be done only with approval of the editor.
We ‘re looking forward to hearing from you,
Manny thanks,
Ionela Niculae Flood
1. On-the move Invitation
Following a pilot stage of one year this indispensible tool for anybody working in the arts is ready to be launched.
Après une période d’essai d’un an, cet outil indispensable pour tous ceux qui travaillent dans la culture sera lancé !
We have the pleasure to invite you for the official launch of
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au lancement officiel de www.on-the-move.org
Tuesday December 2nd at 12.30 H
Mardi le 2 Décembre à 12.30 H
British Council Brussels Office
Bureaux du British Council à Bruxelles
inauguration by /inauguration par
Mr Ray Thomas, Director of the British Council Brussels
Mary-Ann De Vlieg, Secretary General of IETM
Celebrate artists mobility with us! If you are in Brussels,feel free to come by between 12.00 and 19.00. Food and drinks will be available.
Si vous êtes à Bruxelles,venez célébrer la mobilité des artistes en notre companie entre 12.00 et 19.00. Il y aura à boire et à manger.
Warm greetings,
Bien cordialement,
Ray Thomas, Director of the British Council Brussels
Laurent Dréano, President of IETM
Mary-Ann De Vlieg , Secretary General of IETM
The On The Move team
The IETM team
Leopold Plaza
Rue du Trone/Troonstraat 108
1050 Brussels
Please confirm your attendence to / RSVP :
Katelijn Verstraete
Informal European Theatre Meeting
1050 Brussels
Tel : + 32 2 205 00 15
Fax : + 32 2 203 02 26
Email : communication@ietm.org
Subscribe / Unsubscribe
If you wish to subscribe to the On The Move mailing list we will send you news about our developments from time to time: just send an e-mail to list-ON@on-the-move.org. To cancel your subscription, just send an e-mail tolist-OFF@on-the-move.org. Feel free to forward this e-mail to colleagues and friends.
2.Invitation to FREE sports and dance events for all Romanians in London
You and all your friends are invited to 'Get Started with MoneyGram and
Sportsmatch' events, which are FREE sports and dance evenings held every
Saturday from 6.30pm to 9.00pm. These events are held either at SPACE
Leisure Centre, Shoreditch (North London) or FUSION Leisure Centre,
Elephant & Castle (South London) and will run until July 2004.
You are invited to all the events but once a month, at SPACE Leisure
Centre, Shoreditch, we hold an event dedicated to Romanians where we
will have Salsa classes, football, basketball, table tennis and
generally lots of fun for everyone. If you have a group of Romanians
and would like to hold an event then this is the place to do it.
As well as sport and dance, the evening offers you the chance to meet
new friends from the Romanian community as well as other communities in
London. At the event, we also have information on how and where to
learn English, how to find a job and how to safely send money to your
family back home through MoneyGram.
Many Romanians have visited the events each week over the last couple of
months and love the opportunity to play sport and meet fellow Romanians
in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. "I have been to many of the Get
Started events and have really enjoyed them. I am now very much looking
forward to getting involved in playing in the new football league that
has recently been set up and playing against other Romanians and other
nationalities who are now coming along to all the events" said Liviu
from the Romanian Church in London. If you want to be a part of a team
for the football league or have a group of friends to make up a team,
please come on down to the event and compete for free.
This new, unique and exciting initiative was launched on 23 September
2003 by the British Minister of Sport, Richard Caborn who has given the
programme his support. The aim is to leverage the universal appeal of
sport to help people new to the UK to live, work and successfully settle
and integrate in their local communities.
We very much look forward to seeing you and all your friends at the 'Get
Started' events soon.
For further information visit www.activateuk.co.uk/getstarted
Or to register in advance for the next event, please call the hotline on
020 7501 3282 or send us an e-mail at getstarted@activateuk.co.uk or if
it is easier, just come along with your friends on the day.
Remaining events in 2003:
Sat 8 Nov SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 15 Nov FUSION Leisure centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 22 Nov SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 29 Nov FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Events in January and February 2004:
Sat 10 Jan SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 17 Jan FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 24 Jan SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 31 Jan FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 7 Feb SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch
Sat 14 Feb FUSION Leisure Centre, Elephant & Castle
Sat 21 Feb SPACE Leisure Centre, Shoreditch - Romanian night
Sat 28 Feb FUSION Leisure centre, Elephant & Castle
And continue every Saturday (except 10 April) through to 24 July 2004
3 SCI-RO Romania news
For any further information please write directly at
Service Civil International Romania (SCI-RO)
Str. Aviator Darian 9, bl.11B, apt.3
011715, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
phone: +4021 2311820 fax: +4021 2303010
e-mail: sciro@fx.ro www.sci.ro
Mon-Fri 15:00-18:00
============================================================= ===============================
3.1 Job offer: International Program Associate
Job offer: International Program Associate
International Program Associate
People to People International European Office seeks a person for a full time position as:
International Program Associate
You will among other things be working with the European programs of PTPI as well as assisting in the office. The programs range from chapter exchanges to larger international conferences and meetings:
* Youth Programs
* Chapter Development
* Public Relations
* Resource Development
The office has two full time staff members as well as an internship position. For administrative support we need help with:
* Chapter communication
* Website maintenance
* Contacts with authorities
Profile of an ideal candidate
* Very good spoken and written English and German - One more language is beneficial.
* Very good experience with Microsoft Office programs especially Word and Excel.
* Good experience in internet use.
* Experience from volunteer organisations and/or from international communication.
* Very good ability to work in small groups.
Applications should be sent in English to the PTPI office in Berlin before December 1st. Preferably per e-mail: admin-europe@ptpi.org
* Application
* CV
* List of reference/s
We will contact applicants in the beginning of December.
People to People International European Office
Jean-Monnet Haus
Bundesallee 22
10717 Berlin
+49 (0)30 88916433 (office)
+49 (0)30 88916434 (fax)
+49 (0)177 5460984 (mobile)
Open House December 10: www.ptpe.org/openhouse
Job at PTPI European office: www.ptpe.org/job
People to People International: www.ptpi.org
People to People International European Office: www.ptpe.org
Peace through Understanding
Mihai Crisan - European Development Worker
Service Civil International (SCI) - International Secretariat
St-Jacobsmarkt 82, B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tel: 32.3.2265727 Fax: 32.3.2320344
Email: mihai@sciint.org http://www.sciint.org
3.2 Essay Competition "Radically Reducing World Poverty:
> What Role for Europeans?"
> We are organising an Essay Competition "Radically Reducing World Poverty:
> What Role for Europeans?" in order to motivate young people to deepen
> interest in international relations and development and eventually to
> specialise in these domains. Particular emphasis is given to the role of
> Europe in the fight against poverty. The Essay Competition invites to go
> beyond economy and to take into account additional dimensions of
> development.
> We would be very grateful if you could invite the young people to
> participate in the Essay Competition (www.essaycompetition.org)
> and to help us to make it known in your by informing other departments
> administration.
> At the College of Europe, Floricica Olteanu is responsible for organising
> this Europe wide initiative. If you need additional information, you can
> address her at essay.competition@coleurop.be
> Looking forward to your cooperation, yours sincerely,
> Prof. Dr. Robert Picht
> Pro-Rector College of Europe
> Director of the European General and Interdisciplinary Studies
3.3 .Spingtime camp in India
Service Civil International -India
6th November 2003
GREETINGS from SCI India. We are happy to invite you to take part in a workcamp during the month of February 2003 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State, South India. The camp will take place in front of water and middle of forest, hills in a tribal development project in a place called Neyyardam.
The details of the camp are as follows:
Name of the camp : SCI Eves camp
Dates of the camp : Third week of February 2004
Venue of the camp : Neyyardam,Trivandrum, KERALA
No. of Volunteers : Fifteen female volunteers only
(equal number of local female volunteers will join )
Suggested activities : Helping in construction activity,
Check dam making, road making
Visiting villages, families, playing
With tribal children, songs, games, etc.,
Purpose of the camp : To motivate the tribal women in
To social development activities.
Registration fee : Interested volunteers should pay a Registration fee of Euro 75. This money can be paid upon arrival. As a Holland based funding agency Supports this programme we reduce the registration fee from 100 to 75 Euro.
CLIMATIC CONDITION Hot during day time (appx. 30 degree Celsius) and Cold during Night (appx. 15 to 18 degree Celsius.
BOARDING & LODGING Very simple & vegetarian (local food), Group accommodation.
TRAVEL DIRECTIONS Will be provided during the orientation at Chennai.
MUST BRING Mosquito repellant/ointment, Basic medicine, water purification tablets, Water filter (if you have one), Sleeping Bag, Working clothes, Gloves, Shoes, Torch, Music Instrument (if you can play one), open mind and sense of humor.
If you need more details please contact.
R. Arulraj
SCI India.
3.4 Service Civil International (SCI) is looking for volunteer in Siberia
Dear SCI European-only branches,
Due to the late cancellation of a Finnish volunteer, we still have a place open in the frame of EVS for one long-term volunteer in a project of SCG in Siberia for one year starting from now (as soon as possible). Attached is the project description.
If you have a motivated volunteer under 25 years of age who would like to go to Siberia for one year (temperature is already -20), and who preferably speaks already some russian language, please send his/her application using the standard SCI LTV application form to our office.
John Myers
on behalf of EWWG
Please send us your expression of interest for this project at. e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
3. 5. Volunteering in Morocco
1.1- About CSM
CSM, Chantiers Sociaux Marocains is a non profit making NGO founded in 1963 so as to promote the voluntary service among young people and to contribute to the development of the Morocco and support all the associative citizenship initiatives. CSM is a national organization with 52 local sections all around the country.
In addition to its local projects involved in the local development process, CSM organize short ,mid and long term international projects in different kind of wok : Teaching languages , Environment , social ,renovation .
CSM is a full member of the following
- UMAC, Moroccan Union of workcamps associations
- UMAV, The Maghrebian Union of voluntary service
- ICYE; The European association
- The Mediterranean Youth Forum
CSM is also an associate member in ICYE federation
1.2 : About theMTV Project
This project consist on receiving two volunteers in order to help in the CSM office during the busy period from April to August 2004.They will assist the 3 full time staff member in their daily work from Monday to Friday during April and May , however during June ,July and august the work will become harder , the volunteers will may be involved in some works for longer hours or during the weekends or traveling out of the office to follow up the preparation of the workcamps.
In general their work will be around :
- Administrative work ( general enquiries: Tel , Letters , email…)
- International cooperation , managing the incoming and outgoing placements
- Helping in the organization of two training sessions for workcamps animators
- Helping in making general reports about workcamps
- Leading some camps if they fell to be qualified for such a mission
A part from assisting the daily administrative work , this project will be a good opportunity for them to discover CSM structures , activities and way of work , the Moroccan society and way of life and in general to achieve an intercultural exchange.
CSM will see the possibility to provide the volunteers of some basic Arabic language to let them communicating easily with their environment and facilitate their integration.
1.3 :The applicant’s requirements
* Be able to use computer , word-excel-internet…
* Be capable to live in environment with a different cultural background
* Be capable to communicate and write in English language, applicants with French or Arabic language in addition to English will have the easier opportunity to integrate quickly the local environment
* Have some previous volunteer project experience
* Be an open minded person
-The CSM engagements toward the volunteers
* Assure their full accommodation in a hosting family, the volunteers can put in the same one
* Give them pocket money (500 MAD ~ 50 Euros /month) , and cover their local travel costs. No international travel reimbursement is made .
* Provide them with a work accident insurance , the volunteers have to have a personal travel and medical insurance
* Assure all the suitable work conditions
1.4: Holiday :
The volunteers have right in two separate weeks holiday after the two first months. This question could be decided in collaboration with the person in charge of the administration
2- Volunteers selection
2.1 : Deadline for the application : 15 January 2004
2.2 : CSM reaction , the second half of February
2.3 .:More information will be sent to the selected volunteers in Marsh
2.4 : First April , arrival of the selected volunteers
3- The visa
After the expire of the tree months authorized stay , CSM will take in charge the prolongation of the Visa
Thanks in advance for contribution and for your interests to CSM Morocco
3.6. Workcamp volunteers & workshops 2004,Germany
In Summer 2004 SCI-D will organise a workcamp in Berlin on the above subject, followed by visits to 3-4 international workcamps in order to "educate" workcamp volunteers through workshops on the theme. We were thinking that this could be followed up by a one-week study visit or seminar in a CEE country in late Autumn or Winter 2004, in order to make some follow-up and future plans for 2005.
Our question: If you have activists interested in this subject and this idea of cooperation, please can you let us know before the end of this week.
Bst wishes,
John Myers
3.7. Training SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres
Several courses organised through SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres
Inclusion - Education through Sport. How to use sports and outdoor pedagogics as an educational tool to include young people with fewer opportunities in YOUTH Programme projects.
Cultural Diversity - Multiplier training for trainers on Cultural Diversity. Share methods and experiences of working on Diversity issues, develop modules and future training ideas to approach Diversity issues in your area of Europe.
South East Europe - Support Measures and South East Europe. Finding partners and learning how to develop quality Action 5 projects; developing sensitivity for building equal partnerships.
Eastern Europe & Caucausus - Contact Making seminar in Poland - to enhance cooperation between organisations and stimulate the creation of project ideas. Study visit in Ukraine - showing the reality of youth work in EECA countries.
Euromed - A progressive ! curriculum of courses to introduce youth workers to do projects with Euromed countries. Also in 2004, themed courses on 'Education & Civilisation'; 'Three Cultures'; 'How to use the local environment as a pedagogical tool'; 'Common Memory'.
Please send us your expression of interest for this project at. e-mail: sciro@fx.ro
3.8.Winter camp in Russia
25.01 5.02.2004
7 vol. international volunteers + Russian volunteers
The cultural linguistic center “Sodrujestvo” has been organizing workcamps since 2002. The main goal of the organization is to help students in learning foreign languages and foreign cultures through different programs organized by native representatives.
W: Volunteers will work as counselors (leaders of units 6-8 students) representing the native country and the native language, be prepared to work as counselors 6-8 hours a day (leaders of “culture families”). Volunteers should be motivated and ready organize team activities (games, language lessons) inside the unit.
A: rooms in a local children camp. Sleeping bags are not needed. Food in the canteen of the camp.
L: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, (other languages representatives are also welcome, just to introduce us to a different language and culture)
T: Russia, about 650 km to the east from Moscow the city of Cheboxary, the camp is 20 km away from Cheboxary
F: Russian language, leadership trainings and role-games. Sightseeing in Cheboxary, one of the most beautiful cities in the Volga region, the capital of the local ethnicity called “Chuvash” (finno-hungarian group mixed with Turkish groups), winter fishing in the Volga, skiing and skating (Skating competition).
X: We would like you to bring anything that represents your culture: flags, pictures, books, music (songs and words of it), films, games, recipes, and do not forget about high spirits, energy, enthusiasm and good mood!
Participation fee 95 Euro
Krasniy Yar
Nizhny Novgorod region
25.01 4.02.2004
5 vol. international volunteers + Russian local volunteers
The NGO "Vozrazhdenie" have been organizing camp "The town of craftsmen" in Krasnii Yar since 1998. The main goals of organization is to develop and support unemployed in the small villages of North part of Nizhnii Novgorod region by reestablishing folk handicrafts.
For teenagers and youngsters “Vozrazhdenie” organizes different activities, for example, winter out-doors celebrations of different tradition holidays.
W: participate with local teenagers and youngsters in different sources of activities which teach them to care about their region and save the traditional folk and craft knowledge. Pottery and waving master-class. Traditional singing and art classes. Restoration of books in local library. Repairing in a local tourist center (papering the walls and make the decoration of it). Organisation snow-town for the smallest citizens of the village.
S: practical skills of working in workshops such as pottery, weaving, art (like graphics and drawing).
A: rooms in a local tourist center. Please bring sleeping bags. Food in a local canteen.
L: English
T: Nizhny Novgorod region, camp is located on marvelous river Vetluga, 150 km from Nizhnii Novgorod.
F: free time /recreation traditional celebration of Russian winter holidays, skiing, Russian sauna or “banya”, workshops, Russian lessons, meeting local families and getting to know Russian “non-urban” life style.
X: We are asking you to bring, except of sleeping-bag, anything what helps you to represent your culture - some music, instruments, games, books about your native country - and also your energy and enthusiasm.
TRIALOG If you have had this passed to you by a friend and want to receive the
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mailto: office@clong-trialog.at .
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
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1040 Vienna
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Email: mailto: : office@trialog.or.at > New! http://www.trialog.or.at/ >
TRIALOG - EU Enlargement and NGDOs
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Letter to lobby your government on the EU Constitution
By Florent Sebban, Eurostep, Brussels
The Inter Governmental Conference (IGC) started on 4 October 2003 to
adopt a Constitutional Treaty for the European Union.
The first phase of this process was the negotiation of a Draft
Constitutional Treaty by the Convention on the Future of Europe. Development
Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid were already then in danger of being
subordinated to the objectives of the Unions foreign policy, security and
defence interests. NGOs were able to follow the debate and influence
the Convention to improve the legal base for Development Cooperation and
Humanitarian Assistance.
The recently started IGC will negotiate an agreed Constitutional Treaty
on the basis of the Convention’s proposals. However, this time the
debate is not open to the public. NGOs do not have access to the documents
and are not able to follow in how far the Convention’s outcome is
touched and changed.
Please send the attached letter to your Foreign Affairs minister to
lobby on the development section within the Constitution.
Information on global development issues
Summer School, October 2003, Portugal
Find out about the results of the Development Education Summer School
which was held at the end of October in Portugal:
Sources of information
CONCORD Flash News
The time has come for CONCORD to go strategic: the draft strategy plan
for 2003-2004, identification of the research topics, reflection on the
relations with the institutions and collective lobbying, test of the
consultation procedure, etc. CONCORD is building up its foundations.
Find out more in the Flash News 6:
European Fair Trade Newsletter
Welcome to Newsletter No 9. From this date our newsletters will be
available only in electronic form, via the subscription service or our
website. We have furthermore adapted the layout to make for more convenient
on-screen reading.
To access the newsletter, please click here:
or visit our website: http://www.eftafairtrade.org/newsletter.asp
This edition covers the efforts of DG Trade to arrive at a
comprehensive strategy for sustainable trade. The European Commission has presented
a 12-point Sustainable Trade Action Plan and appears committed to a
more constructive engagement with Fair Trade organisations. The newsletter
also discusses a European Commission working paper on “Agricultural
Commodity Trade, Dependence and Poverty” and the on-going review of
European public procurement legislation, that will determine the degree to
which public authorities will be able to consider social or ethical
criteria in their procurement decisions. Finally, this edition includes
articles on: EDF funds, the Fair Trade group of European Commission
stagiaires and other international developments.
Please feel free to send us your feedback or comments.
Stefan Chrobok
To subscribe:
Submit your email address in the appropriate section on our website:
Stefan Chrobok
EFTA Advocacy and Campaigns Office
Rue de la Charité, 43
B - 1210 Brussels
Tel + 32 (0)2 217 37 95
Fax +32 (0)2 217 37 98
OneWorld SEE NGOs web portal
Information in: SEECRANews 23(III), Slovenia
OneWorld South East Europe in English, South Slavic and Albanian.
Bringing together a network of people and groups working for human rights
and sustainable development from across the globe; with lots of
information, articles and resources.
5. Spanish Speaking Volunteer
Subject: Spanish Speaking Volunteer
My name is: Amy NEWELL
Address: Flat 1, 87 Montpelier Road, Brighton, BN1 3BD
Telephone: 07763 218182 / 01273 239893
Date of birth: 22/02/1978
- 9 GCSE's Grades A to C (including Maths, English lit, English lang and double Science)- Sheen School, London
- A level Theatre Studies - Grade C and a BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA in Performing Arts - DISTINCTION - A level eqv. A&C - The BRIT School for Performing Arts & Technologies, Croydon
- Microsoft Office Training - Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Touch typing (55wpm) - Sight & Sound, London
- Superior Level Diploma in French Language and Civilisation - La Sorbonne University of Paris, France
- Diploma in Web Site Design & Site Management - The American University of Paris, France
- Currently studying for a BA Honors Degree in European Drama with Spanish - Sussex University, Brighton - (Year 2 of a four year sandwich course)
Post-qualification experience:
My studies have been ongoing and have been accompanied by professional experience. I am currently working part time for Lloyds TSB as a Credit Control Agent, I also do 1 day a week Arts Admin for the Sussex Arts Club.
My last Full time job was working as the Content Manager of a European B2B website in Paris. I trained and managed a team of five (graphic designers and data entry assistants, I was responsible for managing the design and running of a database of over 25000 products from over 80 different European Suppliers using ASP to make them available to our 2000 European independent hotelier members). My job here lasted just over two years, the company was unable to obtain funding at the third round of investment and I was made redundant.
Before this I had spent a year and a half working as the PA to a team of four Marketing Analysts in Paris. Before this I had various different jobs in both London and Paris ranging from Assistant Manager of a French Restaurant to Sales Assistant in an IT recruitment Firm.
A member of my familly suggested that I contact VSO.
Why I am contacting VSO:
I am currently in the second year of my degree course at Sussex and have just been informed that they do not have a placement for me for my third year. The aim of my third year is to spend time in a Spanish speaking country and learn Spanish fluently through immersion in the culture. I am therefore trying to arrange a placement and would be interested in any opportunities you may have for someone with my skills. I am bilingual in French and currently have an intermediate level of both written and spoken Spanish which I aim to improve over the year to come.
I look forward to hearing back from you, please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
Best Regards,
Ionela Niculae Flood
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